Best Interesting stories in english with moral
Best Interesting stories in english, One day Monk arrived in a village. He then meets a man. The man says. Our problem is increasing. We do not understand anything. Our kings do not listen to us. Because they always need money. They keep money for themselves. This village can become good. But King does not understand. We cannot say anything to them.
1- Best Interesting stories in english with moral

If we talk to the King. They can get angry. We can also punish. Monk listened to them. Now how can this problem be overcome? Monk thinks for a while. He tells that man. I try to solve the problem. Therefore Monk starts going from that village to the palace. They get money on the way. This can be the wealth of some rich. That Monk picks him up. Let’s think after that. I do not need money. This money can be used by a poor person.
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That is why they keep money. Because if someone gets poor. He can be given money. Monk then moves on. But no one was getting poor. Let’s see Monk. The king is coming with his army. Monk realizes. The king is going to attack the kingdom. This will greatly benefit the King. He can catch another king. Their money will also become that of the King. Monk does not like this. When King goes to Monk. That Monk gives them money.
King sees wealth. It thinks Why did Monk give me money? King is very angry. He tells Monk. Why have you given me money? Monk says. I got this money on the way. But I cannot keep money That’s why I thought. Any poor can get this money. This can change his life. But no poor person was seen yet. Saw you some time ago. You are going to attack another state. Because you need money.
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I did not look half poor to you. Therefore, I have given this money to you. Hearing this, King understands. His greed is increasing. He then tells Monk. Forgive me Monk says. You have a lot of money. But that is of no use. The problem of people is increasing in our village. You can overcome their problems. Hearing this, King says. You don’t worry.
I will try to solve their problem. After that day the King had stopped greed. This story teaches us. Never be tempted in life. Because we cannot make our life good by greed. If you like this Best Interesting stories in english with moral, the student short story, Please do share.
2- Gold Coin Moral Story in english :- Best Interesting stories
One day the villagers could not even get food. So all the villagers were very upset. They had too much problem. When King saw it. After that, King had fulfilled the need of food for all people. Everyone comes for food. King sees. No one should go hungry. He sees everyone. Food has been received by the people. Some children were taking different food.
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There was a boy among them. Who was still very young. He watches. All children are moving forward. But he does not move forward. She feels. When all the food is taken away. After that he could proceed for food. When all the children had taken him. That little boy also goes for food. He also gets food. He then goes home. The next day he also takes food later. But that boy sees. There is a gold coin in his food. He thinks This coin is not mine.
He goes to the King with a gold coin. King says. You haven’t got food He says the little boy. I have got food. But there is a gold coin in it. Seeing this, King says. you very young. You are honest too. Therefore, you will never have any shortage of food. King told the soldier that food should always go to this little boy’s house. After that day, the boy honestly did not lack food.
Once there was an old man he had four sons
Best Interesting stories in english with moral, the student short story, When the boy grew up. The King then makes him a soldier in his army. Because no one can be more honest than that. If you like this Moral story. Please do share.
3- Story of magic tree :- interesting stories in english
A man was walking for a long time. After some time he sees a tree. Can rest under that tree. The man sits under that tree. After that you can proceed. He watches. He doesn’t have food. He seemed very hungry. He could have taken food on the way. But he could not eat. Now he couldn’t see anything.
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That man thinks. If I could have food and water. I can feel better. But there is nothing here. But he watches. After some time he gets food. He has food and water. He had never eaten that food. He was feeling great. He was eating food. But he did not understand this. Where did this food come from?
He looks everywhere. She feels. This tree is giving me food. It looks like some magical tree. He tells that tree. I have to go this far. I can get a ride. He gets a horse. He thinks. This is a magical tree. But it is not near my house. Now I can leave from here. If I want anything. I may have to come over here. Looks like a big problem. What should I do. I can’t come here everyday.
interesting stories in english, After that he thinks. If I take this magical tree with me. I can do my job. This idea is great. Now he feels. That’s what I should do. The man goes to cut that tree. Magic tree says. you are a stupid person you are tempted. I helped you. Because you were very hungry. But you are starting to get greedy. Now you can’t get anything. Because you are greedy.
4- Please help story :- Best Interesting stories
That man was very poor. He didn’t even have food. He got up in the morning. He couldn’t do anything. Because he was very ill. But food has to be eaten. If he can’t eat. His big he could get into trouble. So he goes out of his house. He knows. If that works. So he might be sick. So he couldn’t do more.
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After that he gets a job. A rich man hires her. But he sees. He was very tired after working for a while. After that he starts taking rest. After that the rich man comes to her. He says. you are resting. I do not think so. you can work He says poor man. I stay sick So don’t do much work. But he sees the rich man. He seemed ill. That rich man is very nice. So he gets that man treated. He knew. If we help someone.
Moral stories for kids in english
Best Interesting stories in english with moral, the student short story, This can bring a good change in life. That change had come. He says poor man. I feel. You are a very nice person. He says rich man. We are all human. That’s why you must help. This moral story teaches us. Please help in life.
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