The necklace short story
The necklace short story, The necklace was stolen. Everyone was searching for that necklace. But no one was getting necklace. After that everyone starts thinking. Because where has that necklace gone. That necklace was discovered at home. Now people talk. We think That necklace must have been stolen by the servant. Because that necklace cannot go out anywhere. Now everyone feels it. The servant has stolen.
When necklace was stolen :- The necklace short story

The servant is called. Because now he will be asked. Why did he steal the necklace. When the servant arrives. He says. I have not stolen But the boss feels. Where can necklace go from here. I think so. You have stolen the necklace. That servant sees everyone. Because everyone sees it. The servant says. I have not stolen The owner feels. The servant cannot steal. But when people think. The necklace is stolen by the servant. Therefore, the owner also becomes convinced now.
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The servant tells the boss. I have not stolen I have not seen the necklace. But his words could not be believed. Many people have come here. Everyone feels it. The servant is a thief. Now the servant could do nothing. Nobody was listening to him. The servant says. I have worked in this house for a long time. But till date I have not stolen. I was think. The owners believe me. But now I think. The owners don’t believe me. That servant starts going.
Because he feels now. Can’t believe it Everyone says. You can’t go from here Because you have stolen the necklace. Until you tell us What place have you put the necklace on? You can’t go from here Hearing this, the servant was very scared today. Because his words could not be believed. Today, he feels. I have to face the problem now. After that all the people beat that servant. That servant still says after that. He has not taken necklace.
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Seeing this, the owner says. Leave this servant. Because I don’t think so. It has been stolen. Hearing this, tears come in the eyes of that servant. Because that servant feels. The owners believe me. The servant says. I did not know. The owner can believe my point. Everyone says this after hearing this. You are not going to tell your boss anything. So you can go from here. If we get angry. After that you will not even know. That servant leaves the house.
The owner was convinced of his servant. But all the people were there at that place. What he was saying The owner agrees to them. But today the owner feels very sad. Because he understood. My servant does not lie. Today the owner could not sleep. It was morning. All the people had gone now. Because they all came to meet. Everyone had to go today. He did not get the necklace. Everyone says while going. We think That servant has taken the necklace only. The owner says nothing.
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They think a lot. Today their food was not being prepared. Because that servant had gone. After some time the wife arrives. She says. I don’t think so either. The servant has stolen. he has been with us for a long time, he knows our problem, he also helps us, There was something wrong with our servant. Everyone calls him a thief. I did not feel good. But what can those owners do? He falls silent. Today, he did not feel like working. That owner was thinking. Where has that “necklace” gone.
Because they were not getting it yet. He then searches for the owner’s necklace. Because maybe he can get the necklace. Even after searching a lot, the owner was not getting that necklace. That owner could not understand. Because what place must that necklace have gone. When night falls. They both fall asleep. The thief arrives at night time. The owner does not sleep. They see someone has come. The owner’s gaze turns to the thief. A thief has come here. That owner catches the thief.
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He calls it a thief. I have not stolen The owner says. I think so. You have come here to steal. He calls it a thief. I came to pick up that necklace. The owner asks as soon as he hears the name of the necklace. Where did you see that necklace? He calls it a thief. It is a matter of that day. When many people came here. I came here to steal. I had stolen the necklace. But some people were coming to me. So I had put that necklace on it. He went back after that.
Because I used to think. If i got caught I can also be beaten after that. He shows the thief necklace. The same was kept on. Now the owner feels. This is everything due to this thief. They are very angry. Because that thief had stolen the necklace. The owner had got a necklace. The owner wanted to catch the thief. But he was gone. But today the boss feels. He has lost his very good servant. They feel sorry now. But that servant was gone.
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The owner feels. Maybe he will never come back now. Because he did not steal. He was telling me. He has not stolen the necklace. But I could not believe it. That time also comes before us in life. When we feel Everything will be all right. But nothing is right. If you liked this The necklace short story. Please do share.
Queen’s necklace unique story
When the queen’s necklace goes away carrying a bird. At that time, that queen is very sad. Because this necklace was given by her husband. Because that queen liked that necklace so much. But when that necklace is lost. Now the queen is very sad. She calls the soldier. But he too could not detect that bird. He says soldier. I don’t know Where has that bird gone.
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Now the queen was unable to understand. How can she find that necklace? Then a soldier arrives. He says. I know a man He can detect that necklace. The queen is very happy to hear this. Because he is convinced now. He can get her necklace. She tells the soldier. I want to talk to that man. He says soldier. I bring them with me. The queen was waiting for the man. That man comes. He looked very poor.
He did not have good clothes. Says the queen. You have come to know about our problem. He says poor man. You are not disturbed. Your necklace will be available soon. But the queen says. We do not even know. Where is that necklace How can you know Where is that necklace He says poor man. You can find near you. The queen brings diamonds after some time. That poor man puts diamonds on the roof. He then waits for the bird. That bird arrives. Starts carrying a diamond.
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The poor man chases him. After that he goes to that tree. The place where that bird lives. The bird kept necklace in the nest. Now that poor man takes him. He then gives the necklace to the queen. The queen had got that necklace. But she could not understand. How did that bird get to him. He says poor man. The bird loved the shining object very much. That’s why I used diamonds. The queen gives gold to that poor man in reward. But he refuses.
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The necklace short story, The queen understands. He is very poor. He is also very honest after that. The queen gives the man a job in his palace. Because that man is very poor. Now it can be good for him. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Search for necklace short story
This story explores a necklace. That princess was searching for her necklace. But he still could not find it. She thinks. Where can my necklace go? While this necklace was given by the king to his daughter. when it was his birthday. Now the princess gets upset. Because he could not get the necklace yet. King says. You don’t need to be worried. He can get it.
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But she was looking for a princess. Because until he does not get that necklace. She may remain upset. That princess searches everywhere. But still the necklace could not be found. She gets sad. Because his necklace was not being found. Where can he go? Nothing was feeling good for the princess today. But she knows. The necklace was with him. No thief has come. That necklace is not stolen. But where can he go? She gets very tired when searching all over the place. She sits down.
The necklace short story, After that she looks. That necklace is right there. Now the princess is very happy. Today was not a good day for him. But when the necklace was found. After that she is very happy. All this happened because of this. Because he got the necklace. In life we are troubled. But we have their solution only. But we do not understand. So the problem in life should be understood. Because getting upset does nothing. You put your life in trouble. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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