Kids story in english
Kids story in english, When the lion comes near that man. He gets very scared. Because that lion can attack him. That’s why he tells the lion. I haven’t done anything to you. But why are you so angry with me? The lion comes in front of that man. Now that man starts thinking. Today this lion can attack me. Now no one can save me. Then the “king” sees. The lion is about to attack that man.
At Last, The Secret To Story Of The King And The Man Is Revealed :- Kids story in english

The king shoots his arrow. He looks like a (lion.) The lion now gets injured. After that runs away. The man sees. A king has saved him. After that he tells the king. You have come here today. That’s why I have to be saved from that lion. If you don’t come here. That lion could kill me. king says. You don’t get upset. Because now that lion is gone. After that the king asks. What are you doing over here? This is a forest. You have come here to get something. kids story
Moral stories for kids in english
the man says. I was told about a cave. There is gold in that cave. had come to bring him in. Because I need money very much. The king listens to that man. After that says. Where is that cave? the man says. I don’t know about that cave. But I think. I can get money by getting that cave AK. After that my poverty can be removed. Hearing this, the *king* thinks. I should get that money. Because we are the king. But he does not say this to that man. Because he can take them to the cave.
Grimm fairy tales in english
After that both search for that cave. Till now they did not know anything about that cave. But now the (king) feels. This man knows nothing. I do not think so. There will be a cave here. Because if there was a cave. The king knew. He is called king. I do not think so. There is a cave here. You are wasting your time. That man thinks. I can’t find that cave. the king says. I must go now. Because that cave is not here. The king leaves. Because he thinks This is nothing above. When the king was gone.
English story for class 1 with moral
The man sees. A cave appears. He becomes very happy. But the man thinks. this is the place. I came to this place many times. But I did not see this cave. When the man goes to the cave. Goes inside the cave. He gets gold. He becomes very happy. Because now he can become rich. He looks at the king. But the king was not. He goes away with the money. when he comes home. After that he tells his point. But the man says When the <king> was with I didn’t see the cave.
Samall stories for kids in english
Kids story in english, Wife says. Now I have understood the point. because I think That king wanted to take that gold, because of this the cave was not visible, because he was very greedy. There is greed in life. After that nothing is available. Therefore, one should not be greedy in life. This greed gives us problems. If you liked this story. Please do share.
2- Story of monk and king :- Kids story in english
When the king understood this. He is very strong. Everyone is afraid of him. He thinks. Now I have to take those states also. Attachment is what made me strong. So he tells his commander. Now we have to wage war on another state. After that we can become more powerful. We can also get money from that state. The commander says. You are right. After that the king says. Now we have to think. When will we have to go to war?
Moral stories in english for class 7
On that day a monk comes to his kingdom. He says. What are you thinking? When the king sees the monk coming. He says. You have come at a good time. We are considering war. You can give us correct information about the war. We want to wage war on another state. After which we can become strong. We can have money too. Hearing this, he says sage. Do you think. This war is very important. He says [king]. I feel. This war is very important. Hearing this, the sage says.
I feel. War is not necessary. You want to go to war. Because you have to be strong. You can become more powerful. You can have money. But what do you think? when war happens. After that people suffer a lot. War is never good. Because he brings a lot of problems with him. He listens to the “king” sage. Because he knows. He is right. After that that king does not fight. Because he understood. He can become stronger. But war always brings problems. If we do any work by friendship. He can certainly be successful.
Kids story in english, He tells the {king} to the monk. You have come to me Today I got good information. Because if you don’t come After that he could go to war. You have stopped me on time. The monk says We should take good decisions in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
3- king’s wedding story :- king short story in english
He wanted to marry the king. But he knew. He should marry a wise queen. Which he may also have knowledge of handling the state. But how can that queen find him? That’s why he couldn’t get married yet. Because he could not get that queen. But he was looking for this. Its just matter of one day. He had gone out of the king’s palace.
Small bedtime stories in english
He meets a woman on the way. She was running away from the soldier. The “king” could not understand. That woman comes to the king. She cannot recognize him. Because that king did not come with his soldier. he did not want. Anyone could recognize him. That’s why the woman could not understand. She tells the king. Those soldiers want to capture me. But he says king. What have you done. That woman says. I can tell you later. But now you can save me from this problem.
That king saves him. Because he is the king. Could have easily fought with those soldiers. He runs away. Now the king says You look very scared. That woman says. I am a queen. That soldier is from my own palace. But I did not come out of the palace. Because my father did not let me go out. So I had to run away from the palace. Now the king felt. This woman can be my queen. I can marry him. That woman says. who are you. You drove those soldiers away.
After that he tells the woman. I am the *king.* Hearing this, the woman does not believe it. Because he did not seem to be the king. After that he tells everything to that queen. Now the queen says I like you. Because I like your ideas. You are of good idea. After that he goes to the palace with the queen. talks to his father. After that they also get married.
Kids story in english, You can get your goal in life. But you have to wait. That king was able to find that queen. Because she wanted to marry him. We can accomplish any goal in life. If we focus on fulfilling that goal. That task can be completed. But those who cannot move forward. He keeps on thinking. His work is not completed. That’s why it is very important to focus on your goal.If you liked this story. Please do share.
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