Quick bedtime stories in usa
Quick bedtime stories in usa, When that wolf comes. The boy gets very scared. Because he is very afraid of the wolf. The boy could run away now. Because that wolf can attack him. But why did this happen? How did that wolf come in front of that boy? This we read further in our story. This is from that time. When the boy was going to his grandmother. when he left the house.
The story of the clever wolf and the boy :- Quick bedtime stories in usa

The boy’s mother had explained. He has to go on his way. He doesn’t have to stay long. You should go to your grandmother’s house on time. But he does not pay heed to his mother’s words. After that he may face problem. When he was going to grandma’s house. He sees very good fruits on his way. Those fruits were at some distance from his path. He goes to collect those fruits. He liked those fruits very much. That’s why he eats them. After that he forgets.
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He has to go to his grandmother’s place. The boy had eaten a lot of fruit. Now she sleeps. He falls asleep under that tree. Because he was sleeping now. He doesn’t think. He has to go to his grandmother’s place. When he wakes up. He watches. The {wolf} has come in front. He gets very scared. Because he didn’t know. He can face the wolf. Now he could run. He runs. The wolf follows him. But the boy climbs the tree. Now the “wolf” cannot come.
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But he waits under the tree. Because he knows. The boy has climbed the tree. That boy understood today. He is facing problem. Because you have not listened to your mother. He is feeling. Today he has made a big mistake. He was very upset. The wolf was not leaving from that place. He calls out for help. Because the road is at some distance. A man hears his voice. He comes to that. When the [wolf] feels somebody is coming. he runs away. The boy comes down from the tree. He looks at the man.
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Because he had come after hearing her voice. He says. What happened here? That boy tells everything. the man says. This road is not good. Here the wolf comes. That boy now goes from his grandmother’s place. When he comes to Grandma’s. says his grandmother. You have come easily. But the boy was very scared. Seeing her, grandmother says. I feel. You are very sad What happened with you? The boy tells his grandmother. I was explained to my mother. But I had not listened to him.
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Quick bedtime stories in usa, The wolf had come after me. Because of that I was very scared. “Grandma” says. You should have understood your mother’s point. You could get into big trouble. But aja you are saved. This moral story tells us. You should obey your parents in life. Because he shows us the right direction. Tell us to follow them. If you liked this Quick bedtime stories in usa. Please do share.
The story of the monkey and the “wolf” :- Quick bedtime stories in usa
Today that “wolf” was very hungry. He was feeling hungry. But he didn’t have food. What could he do? That’s what the “wolf” was thinking. He sees. A monkey is sitting. But that “wolf” also knows this. That monkey is not going to come down from the tree. Because when he can see “wolf”.
He cannot come near her. Now that “wolf” starts thinking something. She feels. Should talk to him. If it comes to my mind. What could be better than that. That’s why he thinks. Must go to him. That “wolf” goes to him. tells the monkey. How long have you been sitting here? That monkey looks down. Then says to “wolf”. I have been sitting here for a long time.
Says “wolf”. You do not see fruits on this tree. Monkey says. I know. There is no fruit here. But he says “wolf”. I can take you to that tree. The place where the fruits are planted. Hearing this, the monkey says. Where is that tree. Says “wolf”. Some distance away. you can walk if you go with me After that you can eat that fruit.
Quick bedtime stories in usa, Now the monkey thinks. After that, as soon as it starts coming down. That “wolf” attacks him. But there is no use. Because the monkey survives. Now the monkey says You can’t be trusted. Because you are “wolf”. You think about your benefits. One thing should be remembered in life. We should not trust anyone quickly. Because he can cheat. This story saves us from deception. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Wolf and lion story :- Quick bedtime stories
That wolf is very tired now. Because now he can’t hunt. But hunting has also become necessary. Because after that he can get food. But what can he do now? Even his friends do not live with him. Because he is too old. He thinks. I must go to my friend. This friend is a lion. Its just matter of one day. That wolf had saved the lion.
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After that day both had become very friends. But he was away from the forest. That’s why that wolf could not meet him. Now he thinks wolf. I am old. Now I must go to my friends. He goes to the lion. says the lion. Who are you. That wolf speaks for itself. The lion had forgotten too. Because a long time had passed since this thing. When the lion has understood. It’s the wolf. he asks. You have come after a long time. That’s why I didn’t remember.
He says wolf. I am very old now. So no one can identify. says the lion. You have come here for some work. He says wolf. Now no one takes me with them. Because everyone understands. I am old. I am of no use now. That’s why they all want to stay away from me. I was feeling It is not good to stay at that place. That’s why I have come to you. Hearing this, he says lion. I remember. you saved me That’s why I must help you.
After that day he starts living as a wolf. Lion hunts. That wolf also eats food. When many days have passed. Lion’s friend comes to visit. He looks at the wolf. he asks. who is this. Why does he live here? The lion tells everything. Hearing this, he calls the lion’s friend. This is not right. It makes food very easy. It doesn’t need to do anything. This can become a problem for you. But the lion says This is my friend. I have no problem staying with you. The lion’s friend is gone.
Moral of the story :-
Quick bedtime stories in usa, One day the lion went on a hunt. The wolf also goes on that day. But that day a hunter comes. The lion survives. But that wolf is caught. He asks for help. But the lion says If I come to help you. After that the hunter can catch me. Today the wolf feels very sad to hear this. He understands. This lion is not a true friend. It can’t get me out of trouble. That’s why it is said. A true friend is rarely found in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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