Japanese fairy tales princess
Japanese fairy tales princess, The king was watching the princess. He loves being with the princess. But the king was getting very upset. He wanted to marry the princess. But after that the princess can get away from them. The commander arrives. He talks to King. Because the commander was called by the king. The king tells the commander. You have to find someone capable. Which should be good too.
Moral Stories – Japanese fairy tales princess

The commander doesn’t ask anything. After that he searches for that capable man. Time had passed. Till now no capable man had been found. When it’s been a long time. The king talks to the commander. But there was no use. Now King gets into trouble. Because no capable person was found. The king sees the princess. She sat But she looks sad. The king goes to the princess.
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The king asks the princess. Why are you sad. The princess doesn’t say anything. But the king thinks so. The princess is thinking something. He calls the king princess. After that asks. The princess looks at the king. she says. I haven’t seen you. King says. You look troubled. She says princess. I know. You want to marry me. But after that who can take care of you? Hearing this, the king says. You don’t need to be worried.
I can always keep watching you. Saying this the king starts leaving. The princess understands. His father is very sad. Because he can live alone. After some time the commander arrives. He says. I haven’t found any yet. King says. It’s not easy. That’s why it is called king. You don’t need to search. The commander doesn’t know. What does the king want? He leaves. Next day King goes to Nagar. He sees a man.
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The man was working in a shop. In that shop a man comes to buy something. But his wealth falls. He starts leaving. But he says shopkeeper. Your money has fallen here. King is very happy seeing this. It’s honest. I feel. This could be a good person. King comes to the man. He says. Tomorrow you have to come to the palace. Hearing this, the man gets scared.
Because why is the king inviting him to the palace? The next day the man comes to the palace. King says. I think you are honest. That’s why I want to marry the princess with you. Hearing this, everyone starts thinking. How can a king’s daughter get married to this man? This is not right. Everyone asks King. You are not doing it right. She is a princess. How can you marry her with this man?
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You have to think and decide. King says. I can marry a princess to any prince. I know this too. That would be good. But a princess can remain in trouble all the time. I want to ease the problem of the princess. If I can’t ease his troubles. She can always be sad. This man is very honest. I know. It can keep the princess happy. Hearing this, everyone becomes silent.
Because now he understood. The king is looking at the happiness of his princess. Although he is not rich. He works in a shop. He will not have money. King says. He is poor. I know. But we have a lot of money. But we are not happy. Money is not for happiness. It happens for necessity. We can fulfill the need with money. But you cannot buy happiness.
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Japanese fairy tales princess, After some time the princess comes. King says. I have fixed your marriage with this man. says the princess. whatever you do. He does it right. I have no problem. You must have thought well. After some time the princess gets married. King is happy. May the princess be happy. He meets the princess everyday. Because they always have trouble. But he knows. Now the princess is happy. Our decisions are important in life. If we do them by thinking. If you liked this story. Please do share.