5 Brilliant ways to use short stories in english
Short stories in english, 1-story of two children, 2-Story of children and lions, 3-The story of the wise donkey, 4-The story of children and pigeons, this story is about two kids, they are both very good friends, both of them hang out together, both of them walk around the kids, they go to their house, they both study in the same class,
5 Brilliant ways to use short stories in english :- story of two children

Both of them go to school on time, It seems that if they live together, they will like it very much. He does not like to make a second friend, when he was coming from school one day, then his eyes go on a man, that man stands outside the school.
Monkey and crocodile story in english
That man seems very poor to see. Because he always asks for the same food. Both the kids also think that he is always hungry. He asks for food from both of us. When he asks for food from us. our nothing happens. Because both of us had already eaten food. It is a matter of a day. Both kids think that today. We will not eat food. Because it will ask us to eat. So we should save some food. The are both kids that.
When he returns home from school. The man asks for food. The two kids give him food. He was feeling hungry, he had eaten both of them, Now he was feeling great. He says, That you have given me food. You are a very good child. Those two kids save a little food for him everyday. So that he can get food. That man eats food everyday. He knows that these two very nice kids. who give him food.
Scary stories for kids
One day both the kids see that the man did not come today. There was a boy in his place. What was that boy doing. Because the man lived at that place. But why that boy has come today. Both those kids Let’s go. Say this upper man used to come. Today he has not come. That boy says that he is my father, Today he is not well. So he has come to ask for additional food, he would say both kids Is, we give them food every day,
They have to be told even today, that boy says, give me this food, I am their boy, they say both kids, we have to meet them, both of them go with that boy, he is that man See, the man was very ill. Because he had a fever, both the kids meet him, then they go home, whatever money the two kids had deposited, they give the money to the man, because he did not have the money,
Child story book in english
The man sees that it The kids are very good, they are helping me, while I don’t know them, Both those kids say that we should help the other, you like us very much, you are hungry, we give you food, because you are in trouble, even today you are in trouble, so we doing this, after that both kids go away, if you liked this Short stories in english two kids, then do share.
The story of the wise donkey :- Short stories in english best
That donkey was very playful. He didn’t do any work. That’s why no one used to buy that donkey. Seeing this, the donkey seller thinks. If it’s a donkey it sells. I may face problem. That’s why he thinks. Have to think of a way to sell this donkey. The next morning the man walks with his donkey. A rich man comes.
Says the rich man :-
He watches. This donkey sounds very sensible. Because the man was teaching the book to the donkey, says the rich man. This ass can read. the man says. This donkey is very smart. One day it may read everything. That’s why in that day I can sell this donkey at a very good price. Hearing this, he thinks rich. This is very nice ass. But the man says It cannot do any work. Because it’s reading. He says rich man.
Moral of the story :-
Short stories in english best, I want this ass. Hearing this, the man tells his price. After that the man goes away after selling the donkey. Now he doesn’t even live in that village. But when the rich man takes the donkey. He gets very sad. Because he bought it at a very good price. Now he searches for that man. But he doesn’t get it. Now the rich do nothing. That’s why it is said. Always take a decision in life after thinking. Don’t trust anyone too soon. If you liked this Short stories in english best. Please do share.
Story of children and lions in English :- Short stories in english
In this story a “children” goes from his house, he finds a friend on the way, he says, you know, we should go to that forest, there is a very beautiful animal in that place, we should see, both of them He “children” go to the forest together, but he did not know, there may be a lion here, after some time he finds a lot of animals,
Boy short stories with moral
he was very young to look at, he was very beautiful, he was both “children”. “Watching them, after some time all the animals run away, how has this happened, they both see, the lion is coming, Both of those “children” are very scared, because they are very afraid of the lion, both of them run away, then hide behind a tree,
because if the lion sees them, he is in a big problem. can come, both of them can get into problem today because of the lion, after some time a man comes, the lion runs away looking at him, he sees the man, two “children” are sitting near the tree, they are very Feeling scared, he goes to them, tells them, what are you doing here,
Thirsty crow story moral
Both of them say “children”, we came here to see animals, but that lion came here, due to which we were very scared, that man says, you should not come here without telling me, because This is the forest, a lot of animals can attack here, after that the man takes them home, because he also knows,
there is a lot of animal here, when he goes to their house, the mother of the “children” The father was waiting, because he does not know where he has gone. Parents understand them, you should not do all this, because there could be danger in that forest, but you do not understand that,
Panchatantra short stories in english for kids
Short stories in english two kids, English stories for children, after that day both “children” understood the matter, because they also know today. It was gone, if that man does not save them, that lion could attack, this story tells us, life should not go anywhere without asking, if you liked this story, you can share it.
The story of children and pigeons :- Short stories in english
He sees “children”. That pigeon had a problem. Because he could not fly. Today that “children” was feeling very bad. Because he could not see anyone’s sorrow. He goes to the pigeon. looks at him. Now he understands. That pigeon was injured. That pigeon sees that “children”. But doesn’t say anything.
After some time he was the “children” to take him home. His mother said that this pigeon is very injured. She treats him. Because she knows. His “children” is very sad. That “children” seemed to love that pigeon very much. Because he was liking her. Whenever he comes home from school. He looked at his pigeon. Because he was not well yet. The next day he brings his friends. After that everyone sees the pigeon.
Short stories in english two kids, English stories for children, plays with him. After a few days he gets better. Now the mother of that “children” says. This pigeon is now cured. Now he has to leave from here. That “children” doesn’t like it. After that the mother says. It also wants to go home. It was sick. That’s why it couldn’t fly. It’s fixed now. It can’t stay here. It wants to go home. That “children” understood everything. He goes to the pigeon. Because he was fine now. We must help the bird in life.
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