Long story in english for money | Very small stories for kids in english
Long story in english for money, My life is going through a lot of problems, I don’t see any way, sometimes it seems that there is nothing here, because everybody has been away from us, now they don’t even come to us,
1- Two Long story in english for money

Because We have become very poor, as long as we were rich, everything was good, but now nothing is good, everything has changed, now nobody comes to us, because they do not benefit from us. happen, this world has changed,
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He was talking about both, when he sees a man, he stands in front of a tree, asks for money from him, maybe he asks for money from him, after some time both see, then the man gets the money. Get, but how this has happened,
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they both do not know, they think that the tree is doing everything, the man goes away; after he leaves, both of them also near that tree They go, they also demand money, they get money Not found, but the sound comes from the tree,
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If you also want to get money, you can get money, but can you do my work, they both say, what do you want us to do, that tree says, I feel thirsty for water, If you give me water, then I can give you money, on hearing this they both say, it is nothing, it is a very small thing, both of us can do it, the tree says, if it is okay, If you could not do this work, then your money,
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They both say that what you are saying will be like this, they bring water to the tree, they get money, but both of them did not understand the matter yet, it was not easy, they both went home.
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They go, the tree feels thirsty, they get a sound, that the tree is thirsty again, he is calling us, they both say, this is not the case, we gave him water, but he Both had forgotten something, whenever the tree asks for water, He had to know that now, everything was going well for a few days,
The story of the king and the man
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Because they had got the money, but how long this thing will go on, they both think about this, they think that if that tree gives us a lot of money, then we will run away from here, both of them will take water Go to that tree, that tree says, now you can go, this today’s wealth is for you, he both says that we need a lot more money, the tree says that more money than I Can not give, when you bring water, then You get money,
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Long story in english for money, very small stories for kids, Now both of them understood that we will not get much money, he also knew that if I gave more money, both of them would go away, so he could do nothing, he both knew that water for the tree It was very difficult to bring, he used to bring water from far away, both of them were tired now, he could no longer work, he did not want the money he wanted to get, if you liked this story. Then share,
2- Very small stories for kids and wolf
That boy always used to lie. He used to think. Telling lies is a good thing. But after that day that boy could not say lies. He sees the boy. Too many men are coming from far away. He says looking at them. The wolf has arrived. Hearing this, all those men come to that boy. The boy says. There is no wolf here. Hearing this, the man says. You should not lie.
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But the boy does not mind this thing. He tells lies The next day, the boy said the same. The wolf has arrived. Everyone comes to hear this. But there is no wolf here. This fact is known. People say You should not lie Because of you, we have run here. That’s why we don’t believe you. Those people go back. The boy likes it very much. Because people have come because of her saying.
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Long story in english, very small stories for kids, Two days later, the boy calls again. No man comes after that. But this time the wolf really comes. Says the boy. The wolf has come here. He can attack me. But no one comes. He attacks the wolf boy. After that this story gives us knowledge. We should not lie in life Because by telling lies we get into problem. If you liked both these stories. Please do share.
3- Story of the King and the Wolf :- Long story in english
This story is about a wolf and a king. The king was going on a hunt. Today he didn’t know. A wolf is waiting for him. While that wolf was not alone. He was sitting with his partner. That wolf was very angry. Because that king always used to come hunting. After that he could attack them. But today the wolf had made a plan. Today that king comes. He is going to be attacked.
King’s Hunt :-
When that king comes on the hunt. He still doesn’t find any prey. He thinks. Can’t find prey yet. So you should rest for some time. He sends his soldier in search of prey. Because no prey could be found. A soldier stops by the king. Because he has to protect. All the soldiers go in search of prey. While the wolf was all hidden. Because today that king will have to be taught a lesson.
All those wolf attack that soldier. The soldier is injured. Hearing the soldier’s voice, the king watches. Many wolf have arrived. He gets very scared. Now he starts running. Because he was feeling very scared now. Today he can kill her. King runs away. He sees a hut in the forest. He knew the king. The wolf is coming after him. So he stays in that hut. A man was sitting in it.
Monk’s story :-
King watches. who is that man. He is sitting a monk. Seeing her, the king says. Too many wolf are coming to attack me. You can save me Because I am the king. Hearing this, Monk says. Why is everyone following him? He says king. I don’t know. He asks the Monk King. What have you done here? King says. I came here to hunt. That’s why I came here. Now Monk understands everything.
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Monk tells King. Now I understand. Why is he all chasing you? King says. you can tell me. says Monk. You kill the animal. Because no animal bothers you. When you can’t harm them. Hearing this, the king now understood. says Monk. We always have to remember the thing in life. No animal should be disturbed.
Wolf Attack :-
Because you hunt them. That’s why he wants to attack you. Monk says. You are the king. You should think about the well being of all. A decision should be taken only when necessary. King gets a voice. All those wolf have arrived. Monk says. Don’t you worry I just come. Monk goes out. All the wolf runs away as soon as the monk goes out. Seeing this, the king does not understand anything. How did this happen. Now says Monk. You can go to the palace.
Moral of the story :-
Long story in english, very small stories for kids, Today the king got a lesson. We should not disturb any animal in life. Because if he gets upset. There could be a big problem. King comes to know about this. If you like this story of king and wolf. Can share further.
4- Cat and dog story :- very small stories for kids
The cat doesn’t understand anything. She thinks. If she stays here. That dog might bother him. He can also attack. Now it became very important to think about it. If he wants to stay here. He has to teach the dog a lesson. She was sitting on the tree. That dog comes. He looks at her. says after that. Right now you are sitting on the tree. But sometimes it can come down.
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After that you see. You are not going to stop here. Hearing this, the cat does not say anything. She feels. This dog won’t let me stay here. So she can learn a good lesson. But he has to come up with a plan. From which he can learn a lesson. But he doesn’t see any plan. After thinking for a long time, he sees the plan. Now he can learn a lesson.
That cat was not saying anything to that dog. But he was not understanding. Maybe he thinks. He can get me out of here. That’s why it bothers me. It’s the next day. That cat brings a roti. Wagh shows the dog. Now that dog sees that bread. says after that. I want this bread. Hearing this, the cat says. You can get it. But the dog thinks. I want bread now.
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After that I can attack him again. But that cat was planning. Because she knows that dog. After that she says cat. What are you thinking. He says dog. Now you don’t need to worry. The cat moves forward with that bread. He says dog. You can give it to me here. She says cat. I can give you this bread next. The dog moves too.
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Long story in english, very small stories for kids, But that dog moves forward in the greed of bread. The cat drops the bread. After that the dog grabs the bread. But he doesn’t know. There was a very deep river here. That dog falls. Now he doesn’t come out. Now that dog understands. we get two lessons in this story, we should stay away from greed in life, we should not bother anyone, If you liked this very small stories for kids, Please do share.
5- Friendship long story in english with moral :- small story in english
Both of them were very good friends. They both go together in search of work. After some time they feel very hungry. They both eat food. After that both of them get into an argument. First friend beats second friend. But the other friend says nothing. They both move forward. Because they were debated. Now they do not talk.
After some time another friend collapses. He gets injured. After that the first friend comes to him. He looks at her. Says after that. You are Ok. Hearing this, another friend says. You have helped me today. You are very good. After that the first friend says. You can forgive me I had beaten you. Another friend says. We are both very good friends. So we should help each other.
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Long story in english, very small stories for kids, The friend understood after hearing this. My friend is very good Because he understands my friendship. Good friends are always together in life. They do not need to be disturbed. They never quarrel after that day. Our friendship is very good. Because it always moves forward in life. If you liked all this story. Please do share.
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