Boy short stories with moral values (April, 2023)
Short stories with moral values 2023, we want to get a lot in life, but it does not happen, not everyone gets everything, he has to wait, he who can wait, he can do something in life, a boy always worked very hard , He believed that he would be able to do something in life, so he was constantly working hard in life, hard work can get everything, this is the moral of our story,
English stories:- Short stories with moral values 2023

That boy always paid attention to hard work, he used to go out to work every day, he would also pay attention to his studies, he was public, that if he does not study, then he will not be able to do anything in life, from studies We can learn the things of life, because it gives a new direction to our life, there should be more morals in our life, if we have morals, then we can provide the right direction to life, that boy worked very hard in his life.
Relax in life :-
One day the boy was working. Then a man comes to him. He says that you look very hard to me. Because you always seem to work hard. Don’t you relax. everyday In the morning you go to school, after that you come and work here, I think that you do not relax in life, that boy says that there is no such thing, I also relax, whenever I Relax, then me He dreams that I have to do something in life,
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The man likes that boy very much, because he understands that it works very hard, it can definitely do something in life, after that the man leaves, the boy starts working again, because He also had to earn, he had to concentrate on his studies as well, he used to live alone, but he was not worried about this, he thought that he would be able to do a good job in life,
Problems in life :-
He had worked very hard in life, now he did not have any problem, he was also free to pass his study, he had very good numbers, he used to think that there are problems in life, but we should never be disturbed. Because if we do this, then we cannot achieve anything in life, he had gone ahead in life, happiness was also coming in his life,
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Now he felt that whatever decision he was taking in life, he was right now he had no problem, but he had not got everything he wished, but he had got something. , By which he could run life, he was not afraid of any trouble, he was moving forward in life, after which he could achieve anything in life,
Keep moving :-
Boy short stories with moral values 2023, English stories, This moral story of this boy tells us that one should always move forward in life, if you stop, you can never do anything, so you should not stop, keep moving, if you liked this story. Boy short stories with moral values, english stories, You can share further.
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