English moral stories for students
English moral stories for students, One man was very poor. He had nothing to eat. He lived in the village. Whatever work he used to get. He could do it. But he did not get more money than that. He used to think My life is going on in poverty. One day that man gets married. He thinks Now my expenses have increased. I also have less work.
New English moral stories for students

But he thinks. Thinking will do nothing. I will be working. So that both of us can have food. One day he was going in search of work. He gets a monk. He says You can give me water Because I am very thirsty. The man says. You are not disturbed. I bring water for you After some time he brings water. After that Monk drinks water. They are happy Monk says. You make me look sad
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The man tells them what he wants. After that Monk says. All problems can be solved. We have to find a way. He says Monk. You should go that way The man leaves that road. But you do not get any work. He gets very tired. Some time rests near the tree. He then falls asleep. After some time, he sees a cow near him. That cow was watching her. When that man wakes up. he thinks Where did this cow come from? he takes her to his house.
He then tells his wife. I got this cow on the way. I thought It is alone That is why I have brought it home. He gives the cow to eat grass. She then calls it cow grass. After some time she gives cow milk. Seeing this, the man thinks. We have got milk now. That cow used to give a lot of milk. Due to which they used to get a lot of milk. The man’s wife says. You should do milk work. We should sell milk. This idea sounded very good. The man starts the mill work.
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After a few days, money also comes to him. Now that man was not poor. He got used to it. He was saving money. Now that man had everything. He was working very hard. After some time, he comes to Monk. The man is very happy to see them. He brings food for them. Because it is very good to serve them. Monk says. Now your work is going well. A few days ago you were very unhappy. The man says. You showed me the way He says Monk. It can be easy to show the way.
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But it is very difficult to walk on that road. You went on that road. Now you have everything. This is your hard work. After that Monk goes away. This story teaches us. Work should be done in life. Because if you work hard The problem of life goes away. Some time ago that man had nothing. Now he has become rich. Therefore kept working hard. If you liked English moral stories for students. Please do share.
Monk’s education story in english
That Monk was going with his disciple. Monk was telling the disciples about knowledge. After that they get a man. He calls Monk very bad. But Monk does not give him any answer. They move forward. He was watching the disciple. After that when he sees the man. Monk has not said anything. He then turns to Monk. He then calls them evil. Monk goes on laughing.
Short story for preschool with moral lesson
When that man sees. Monk doesn’t seem to mind. He goes back. But this student does not like it. He tells Monk. That man is not good. He was misbehaving with you. But you have not told him anything. I do not like it. That man does not even know you. Even after that, he behaves badly. Monk says after some time. I want to tell you something.
Monk reached the village. He brings some clothes for his disciple. He then tells his disciple. You are looking good with these clothes. He sees the disciple. Says after that. This fabric is not good. Because it cannot be worn. He then calls Monk. Now you get it. Why didn’t I answer that man? Because if I would answer that man. After that my behavior could also be similar to that. Now the disciple understood the matter. We should learn a good thing from others. This story teaches us. One should always earn good in life. If you liked English moral stories for students. Please do share.
Student and old man :- student short story with moral
This story is of a student. He was coming home from his school. On the way he meets an old man. He sees the student. The old man asks for something to eat. But that student had nothing yet. Because he had eaten his meal. He watches. There is a shop. goes to that shop. Takes some bread. He says shopkeeper. You have not given money. He says student. I can give it to you tomorrow. He knew the student.
Moral stories for kids in english
That student gives bread to the old man. After that it goes. In the evening when the father of that student goes to the shop. says the shopkeeper. Your boy has come. He has bought bread from here. But he has not given the money. Hearing this, the father does not understand anything. Because he keeps money in the house. But why has the boy not given? Father gives money to the shopkeeper. Then he comes home. asks at home.
But the student’s mother did not know anything. Now the father gets angry. Because why has he not told in the house? When that student comes home after playing. He is asked. He is afraid. Then he says everything. Father says. You should keep this in mind. If you help anyone. You can tell about it at home. Because if you don’t tell. Then there may be a problem. the boy says.
Student short story with moral, English moral stories for students, After today he will tell. After that no one tells him anything. We should remember this thing in life. We help anyone. So at home we must definitely tell. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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