English stories for children with moral
English stories for children, The man was working in the farm. The man was working very hard in his field. But he used to think. His hard work has not been recovered. His field could not give a good crop. The man now seems unhappy. She feels. He cannot do anything even after a lot of work. He comes home in the evening.
Farmer’s treasure :- English stories for children with moral

His wife watches. Today he looks sad. His wife says. Why you look sad The man says. I think so. Our crop will not be good. Because I have worked hard. Even after that, why the crop is not good. His neighbor was listening to his words. The man says. I think now. I should do some other work. This crop will not be good. Nothing will happen with my hard work His wife becomes depressed.
Very greedy :-
Because they had nothing. His neighbor overhears everything. Because he knows. It cannot be rich. His neighbor was also very greedy. The next day the farmer goes to his farm. Does the work of farming. She feels. There is something inside the ground. He kicks her out. He does not believe it. It was a treasure. Now that farmer can become rich. Because the treasure has been found in his farm.
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That farmer was very happy. But he was feeling it. No one should know this. The neighbor of that farmer sees everything. He feels it now. It can become rich. So he thinks. I must take this treasure. That farmer does not take that treasure. Because someone could see it. He thinks the farmer. Will come here with his wife at night time. After that we can remove the treasure. he goes home. Now his neighbor understands. He should take money.
Treasure has gone :-
He starts going to that treasure. He watches. There should be treasure here. The neighbor of the farmer watches all over the place. But he was not getting the treasure. this can not be happening. Because at which place the treasure has gone. He searches a lot. But he was not getting the treasure. He gets upset. Because he wanted that treasure. After some time he hears the voice of the farmer. He thinks The farmer has arrived.
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The neighbor of the farmer hides. Because he wants to see. How does that farmer get that treasure? But when the farmer saw. He gets that treasure. His neighbor thinks. How is it possible. I could not find the treasure. After that, the wife of the farmer says. This is too much treasure. Our lives can change. Whatever damage has been done to us. He can get away. They both take that treasure.
After some time :-
He sees the neighbor. Thinks after that. I could not find this treasure. Therefore, I can take this treasure from the farmer. He goes after them both. After some time, the farmer reaches his home. The farmer says. No one should know this. Because all people can find out. After that a thief can come to our house. But the farmer did not know. His neighbor knows everything. The farmer falls asleep after some time.
Inspirational moral stories for school children
But his neighbor does not sleep today. Today he wanted that treasure. He tells some of his people. With which he could steal the farmer’s house. He goes to the farmer’s house. After that, they say to the farmer. Where is that treasure? The farmer does not understand. How did they come to know about this? But after that the farmer tells them. Where is the treasure placed?
The neighbor :-
They see that treasure. But there was nothing in it. They see snakes in it. Those people get scared. After that, they go away from that farmer’s house. He tells the neighbor. There is no treasure in it It has too many snakes. The neighbor does not understand anything after hearing this. Because that farmer had brought the treasure. How have snakes come in it? That neighbor gets very angry. He thinks The farmer has hidden the treasure. He then goes to the farmer’s house.
The magic pot story in english
Asks him the address of the treasure. The farmer says. This treasure is not yours. But the neighbor of the farmer says. I have nothing to do with this. I want that treasure. The farmer tells about that treasure. His neighbor saw it. It has a snake. He gets it. This treasure belongs to the farmer. Therefore, no one can take it. But attacks the neighbor near him. The neighbor is killed. Because he was coveting the treasure.
Moral of the story :-
English stories for children with moral, After that, he understands the farmer. Never be tempted in life. Because his neighbor was injured due to greed. He should not be lured. His neighbor understood this. We should not take other’s money. If you liked this English stories for children. Please do share.
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