English story for class 3
English story for class 3, The man used to catch fish. But he used to do this work according to the rules. He used to go to catch fish everyday. He used to say to God. I only have to try three times. If I can find {fish}. So that could be a very good thing. If not found. I can go home. But his wife used to say at home. If you don’t bring the fish. Food is not available in the house. But the man says
Fish and man’s desire :- English story for class 3

I don’t want to be tempted. If I try three times, I get a fish. So that’s fine. If I can’t find the [fish]. I come again from that, i have made a promise to God, i can’t try more than three times, The (man) was not greedy. So he tries three times. But he does not get the fish. He was hungry for three days. Because he could not get fish for three days. So the next day he again goes fishing. This time he gets the fish.
101 panchatantra stories
But that (fish) starts talking. she says. Leave me. I think you are a good person. the man says. My family is hungry for three days. He hasn’t eaten anything. You have been caught today. That’s why I leave you. After that I can’t get food. She says fish. You can ask me one wish. Because you’re hungry. I can fulfill one of your wishes. the man says. If you can make the wish come true. I can make a wish. the man says. My family should not go hungry. She says fish.
You will have no shortage of food now. After that the man releases that “fish”. He comes home. When waiting for that man in the house. Even today he has not brought anything. Seeing this, the wife says. Haven’t found anything today. the man says. I got a fish. She could talk. He has given me a boon. My family cannot go hungry. Wife says. But we have nothing to eat. I do not think so. That fish can give a boon. Because you don’t have food. the “man” says. I’m sure of that.
Lion and mouse story in english
English story for class 3, After some time, light comes from their land. He sees that place. Food arrives at that place. How did it happen? The wife could not believe it. But it was true. the man says. That fish has fulfilled my wish. All this happened because of God. If we do not have greed in life. Do your work according to the rules. God also becomes happy. After that he makes our life good. That’s why we must believe. Never be greedy in life.
The story of the bear and the boy :- English story for class 3
Those two friends were going to their house. He had come to the forest for some time. Because they knew. Very good fruits are found here. After breaking them, he was taking them home with him. Both friends were talking. They didn’t know. Bear is also coming after them. One of them says friend. The bear has come after us. Those two friends see the bear. The first friend says. We must run.
Boy short stories with moral values
Both friends run away. But the other friend falls. The first friend climbs the tree. He could no longer run. Because he was hurt a lot. He could no longer go on. But he remembers something. The boy falls asleep. when the bear comes to him. He looks at her. Waits for a while. Then the bear goes. The first friend comes down from the tree. He says. What did you think today? Because your work was great. That bear was gone. How did it happen? Another friend says. This was told by my grandmother. If the bear is found. So we have to do this.
Story of village problem
English story for class 3, Today that friend’s understanding came in handy. He had understood the first friend. Whatever we are taught in life. He can be of use to us anytime. Therefore, always listen carefully to the advice of your elders. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Monkey story :- English story for class 3
This story is about a monkey. That monkey used to copy everyone. Its just matter of one day. He comes to the village. That monkey sees all the people. He goes to some shop. The monkey starts eating some fruits. Now people also start getting worried. Because he was harming everyone. That’s why everybody thinks. How to get rid of this monkey? Because it is hurting us.
Old Owl’s Lesson Story in english
But no thought comes. says a boy. All monkeys imitate. the man says. What can happen with copying? This monkey is harming us. This lesson cannot be learned by copying. the boy says. You arrange for the cage. I can do something But there will definitely be two cages. All those people do this work together. Because everyone is upset with that monkey. When two cages come. The boy keeps a cage away. Keeps the second cage with him. When the monkey comes He imitates the monkey. Seeing this, that monkey also starts imitating.
101 panchatantra stories
English story for class 3, After some time the boy goes to the cage. The monkey also goes to the cage. The monkey cage is closed. Now that monkey was caught. Seeing this, everyone starts thinking. We did not understand this. Now that monkey was caught. the boy says. We should have information. After that all the work gets done easily. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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