Famous 5 short stories college level | Famous short stories pdf
Famous 5 short stories college level pdf, If it comes to college, then it comes. We think The life of college is very good. Once upon a time. My friend came to visit. When we used to study in college. It is a matter of that day. When we arrived home late. My friend took me to a place. He wanted to show something. I was thinking this thing. Why has he brought me here? My friend says. I want to stay here for a while.
1- Best Famous short stories college level | famous short stories pdf

We both stop at the same for some time. I asked my friend. Why has he brought me here? But he did not answer any. We were both far away from our college. After some time a man arrives. My friend says. Looking at that man I saw the man. Then asked why are you showing me to that man. My friend says.
He is a beggar :-
That man is very good minded. But when I saw it. He is a beggar, he is begging. But why is my friend telling him a good man. I asked my friend what are you talking about. He is a beggar. We don’t mean anything We should go home My friend says. This man has a story. You don’t know, this man was very good minded. But everything was far from it.
This man used to teach in a village. The children of that village used to say. It was a great teacher. It could complete the math questions in a short time. His mind was very sharp. But one incident had eluded everything. Now its brain does not work. It was alone It has forgotten everything. Now he has also come away from the village. Nobody knows this here. It is lost in this city.
This is not right :-
I was very sad to hear of my friend today. This man was once capable. But what luck has given today After that incident it is living the life of a beggar. It seemed to listen to his friend. We should help it. This is not right. This was a very good man. Everything happened after that incident. There is no mistake in this. We should do something.
My friend says. What can we do We both start thinking. After that we thought. It should be taken home with you. We have to take care of it. If it can be cured. We should help it. This thing seemed fine. But how will everything be. We both bring him home. Tells everything in the house. he also feels very sad, he stays with us for some time,
He used to get food, But we used to think. he has forgotten some things, he remembers some things, he used to solve some math questions even today. But how does he do it all. He does not even remember. Time was passing by. One day he too had arrived. When he remembered a lot. He was watching everyone. Because he forgot us now. He was cured.
Moral of the story :-
Famous short stories college level, famous short stories pdf, We liked this thing very much, it was college day. When we brought that man. At that time we did not know. What can we do? But time had explained it. If we do any work with our mind. It completes. He was cured. We were happy about this. This story tells us the same thing. help in life. It can change someone’s life.
2- My good friend story :- Famous short stories pdf
My friend is very nice. Because he helps me a lot. Its just matter of one day. He came to my house. But I was not at home. Because I went out. He waits for a while. After that he starts coming to me. He had no work. But he was coming to meet me. It had been many days. We had not met. Today we were going to meet after a long time. Earlier we used to study together.
Boy’s hard life short story summary in English
But now our colleges were separated. Now we didn’t study together. But we are very good friends. Today he came to meet me. He was looking for me. I looked at my friend. he was visible to me, he had told me, he had gone to my house. Now he has come to see me. I told him. You could wait at home. I was coming. But he says. This wait is going to be a long time now. Because now he was going from this city. Maybe now he will rarely come to see me.
New english story of changing thinking
Famous short stories college level, famous short stories pdf, I know. We are both very good friends. But now he is probably not going to be here. Now he has to go. It was not good to hear from him. But nothing could happen. He’ll be gone now. Then we can hardly ever meet again. So if you have a good friend. So get along well. Because some memories can go away at any time.
3- Story of poor man :- Famous short stories pdf
This story is about a poor man. Who was always running his family only after selling toys. And he was very poor. In this regard, his wife used to say that problems are always going to increase in our life. She won’t be less. That poor man used to say that we are earning by working hard. And this hard work can create a new path in our life.
Best Story of honesty in english
So we should not think too much about it. Whatever hard work we have to do to run our life. We should do that hard work. But the wife felt that even this hard work would not reduce any problem in her house. Because they could get very little food. Due to which many problems were coming in his life. But even after that the poor man in his family would try to think more often.
But what can he do? He knows that he cannot do more than this. But he can do his work. which he was doing. It’s 1 day. The poor man walks to sell the toy. He lives in that village. And he could sell those toys only after going far away from that village. Because the children of the village no longer used to do such work. He liked to buy very little. So he used to go towards the market. So that his toys were sold.
But going from village to market on foot was like covering a distance of about 5 kms. But he knew. I can’t do anything more than that. That’s why he could go ahead with his life only by selling toys. He was proceeding to sell. Then a car stops near him. And the man sitting in that car says. that I want that toy. What her child needed. He was sitting with his mother in the back seat of the car.
The toy seller gives him toys. The man sitting in the car gives him money. But he gives her more money. Because he didn’t know. That he was taking out those money from his purse. So he came out more money. And he meets that poor man. He sees the poor man. that he got more money. So that few pennies that were more. He asks them to return. Seeing this the man gets into thinking. That’s the poor man.
But still it is not luring more money. It is returning that money of mine. Which I had given more. About which I had no knowledge. Very happy to see this. He takes out a lot of money from his car. And says that I like very honest people very much. And you are very honest. You are poor but still you are working with your honesty. That’s why I feel very happy. And the man with the car gives him so much money. He could do a small business for himself.
But that poor man says that I am not worthy of this money. Can’t take this is not mine. But the man in the car says. that I have a lot of money. I am very rich. But I help them. People who want to work hard and move forward. And be honest. You both are doing very well. So you can keep it. And you can give it a new direction to your life. After thinking this, the poor man takes money. and goes to his home.
Famous short stories college level, famous short stories pdf, When that poor man goes to his house, and tells everything to his wife, then his wife understands today that everything can be achieved only by hard work, those who work hard in life, success definitely comes in their life. But it takes a lot of time, that’s why many people hold back, while we should keep moving forward, because unless we work hard, we can’t achieve any success. Liked a story. Take this story forward.
4- Story of good work in life :- Famous short stories pdf
This story is of a boy. He used to do very good work. His life was going very well. Because he used to help everyone. Its just matter of one day. An old man was standing near the road. He was not moving forward. Maybe he couldn’t see. When that boy understood. That old man cannot see. That’s why he could not cross the road.
That boy goes to them. After that he tells the old man. I help you That old man says. Who are you. you are helping me That boy says. You don’t know me. I don’t even know you. But I saw that you are standing near the road. You are not going to the other side. I understood. That’s why I have come to help you. That old man says.
People who help other people. He is very good. But the boy says I feel. Everyone should help. Because helping makes life better. who do not get help. They face a problem. The old man understood. This guy has very good ideas too. After that the boy goes to his college. when he goes to college.
Famous short stories college level, famous short stories pdf, Teacher comes in front of him. He says. Today I have seen everything. You have helped that old man. I feel. You do a great job. That’s why that boy is given a reward. Our work in life should be good. This is not necessary. You get rewarded. But everyone definitely remembers your good deeds.
5- Boy help :- Best stories for boy in english
This story is about a boy. That boy used to help everyone a lot. That’s why everyone thinks. which helps. He would be very good. Its just matter of one day. An old man was going home. He was walking very slowly. Because he was too old. That boy comes. He says. You are going home. says the old man. I am going home now. Because today I have been very upset.
Got a letter short stories in englishÂ
Hearing this, the boy says. Why are you upset? says the old man. Some monkeys were troubling me. He has taken my hat. is sitting on that tree. Now I am going home. Because I can’t take the hat from him. Hearing this, the boy says. Don’t you worry I bring a hat. The boy goes to the monkey. The monkeys were playing with that hat. The boy tells them. Return this cap. Hearing this, the monkey scares the boy. But he is not afraid.
A help story in english
Famous short stories college level, Best stories for boy in english, Because he knows. He scares me from afar. But the boy thinks. That hat should be brought back. After that the boy knows. Monkeys imitate. That’s why the boy throws stones in front of them. The monkey throws the hat. Now that boy gets that hat. He then gives the hat to the old man. says the old man. You are very smart too. You are very good. Because you help everyone. This story teaches us. Everyone should be helped in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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