Foolish donkey story in english with moral | Kids story
Foolish donkey story in english, He sees a foolish donkey, a monkey is coming near him, he says monkey, you are going, he says foolish donkey, I know today, where is too much grass, that’s going on Huh, the monkey says, you know, tell me that place, I have to go to that place too, he says donkey, I can’t tell you, because you can eat my grass, hearing this monkey says, I do not eat grass,
Foolish donkey story in english with moral :- Kids story

Foolish donkey story in english, He thinks donkey, I don’t know, I know it, I don’t have to tell anyone about that grass, it’s a very good grass, monkey thinks, I should also know, how does this donkey know, The monkey asks, how do you know this, there is very good grass in that place, he says donkey, someone has told me, because of that I am going to that place, he says donkey, now me Must go, that foolish donkey goes ahead, then he gets the fox, she says, you are being called foolish donkey,
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He thinks foolish donkey, he looks at the fox, then he forgets which place he is going, he says foolish donkey, I don’t remember, but I think, I’m going to that place , At the place where there is too much food, everybody can get food at that place, on hearing this the fox says, I too can get food, he says foolish donkey, you can get it too, the fox can also walk in that place It seems that after some time the cat is also found, she also comes to know, where the foolish donkey is going, there is going to be food,
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That cat also starts walking, because he is going to get food today, today foolish donkey was very happy, because he is going in search of too much food, all the animals are going the same and he is doing a lot for them Is, after some time they get a bear, he asks, today foolish donkey is going ahead, how is it happening, he says foolish donkey, you have to eat fish, he says bear, I have to eat fish, but Where can I find fish,
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He says foolish donkey, you have to walk in our surface, I know, that place can get a lot of food, there is too much food for all, no one can stay hungry, after some time foolish donkey will all of them Takes, there was too much grass in that place, this gas was very good, he becomes foolish donkey very happy, today he got too much food, he starts eating gas, but bear, fox, pussy that ass Looks at, because it was not their food, they do not eat gas,
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Foolish donkey story in english with moral, Kids story, The bear says, you have brought us, there is no fish here, the fox also says, I have no food here, you have not done this well, you have spoiled our time, there is nothing here, that foolish donkey says, here is my grass, after that all the animals say, we are not going to leave you, when foolish donkey hears this thing, he starts running away, because he knew it was all about something Angry, the donkey does not remember the thing, because of which he all came with us, because the donkey forgot after some time, If you liked this Foolish donkey story in english, you can share it,
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