Fox and crane story in english
Fox and crane story in english with moral, The fox saw the crane, he was in the crane water, the fox was thinking, that crane could benefit, because the fox had a very sharp brain, so that fox was waiting for him, she would eat the crane underwater Was looking for, after some time Crane finds a small fish in the water, seeing this she thinks fox, I can’t find this fish, because that crane is inside the water, why would he give me the fish,
New Fox and crane story in english with moral

But after some time she thinks fox, I should do something, after which he can give me crane fish, fox said to crane you look very good, I think, you have a very good sense, because you can easily You can see the food for yourself, hearing this, he thinks crane, this fox is thinking well for me, she says fox, you can be my friend, I have to be friends with you, hearing this crane says, but you fox How can we both be friends? Hearing this fox says, you should not think too much, you are very intelligent,
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The fox says, we become friends, after thinking for a while he says crane, I think, you’re right, then he says crane, we are both very good friends, crane seems to be fishing, Seeing this, the fox says, you don’t want to give anything to your friend. Hearing this, crane says, I bring the fish for you too, after that crane was giving fish to the fox as well, the fox was getting food without working hard, it used to happen everyday, that fox was near the river on time She used to go away, he used to give her fish,
One day Crane’s friend comes, he sees everything, he sees, he is giving fish to crane fox, but why is he crane doing it all, when crane goes home, his friend comes to meet , He asks crane, why do you give food to the fox, that fox is taking advantage of you, she is not working hard, she takes fish from you, after that she does not look for food, you get all this Nothing should be done, hearing this he says crane, she has become my very best friend,
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But crane’s friend says, what friendship is this, she takes work from you, she relaxes during the day, you work hard for her, she takes food from you, then starts to relax, crane today Was forced to think, because he did not know crane, that fox is doing all this with him, the next day crane goes to the river, he catches his fish, after that he gives nothing to the fox , She says fox, why are you not giving me fish today,
He says crane, you don’t do anything, you take the fish from me, then relax, after hearing that today the fox understood it, that crane has understood everything, I must walk from here, because that crane Everyone knows, when the fox starts to go, after that he says crane, you are not good, you have befriended me for your benefit, that fox knew, but does not say anything, then she returns to her home. Goes away, now she doesn’t give him anything crane,
Samall stories for kids in english
Moral of the story, it tells us the story of crane and fox, in life we should not benefit from anyone’s friendship, because it does not make our friendship good, you should keep this in mind, true friendship is the same , In which we do not think the benefit, if you liked this crane and fox story in english, you share,
Moral story of fox and pigeon
The “fox” had become ill. Now he was not getting food. She thinks I need to talk to someone. Because I am sick now. I did not get food. I am very upset. The fox lives in his cave. Because he loved that place. Today fox comes out of the cave. She looks All animals are engaged in their work.
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But I am looking for food. She sees the pigeon. The fox thinks. I can get this pigeon. But I need to think something. So the fox talks to that pigeon. You are sitting here alone. He says pigeon. I like this tree very much. Hearing this, the fox says. I have your food If you want to eat it. Can come to me But he says pigeon. I do not see food. The {fox} says. Food is kept with me.
Samall stories for kids in english
I can’t eat it Hearing this, the pigeon says. I want to eat food. Today the fox becomes very happy to hear this. Because that pigeon came in his talk. That pigeon approaches the fox. The fox attacks that pigeon. That pigeon dies. Today the {fox} had got food. This fox tells the story. We should not be tempted in life Because that pigeon was killed because of greed. If you like this story. Please do share.
The story of the bear and the fox :- Moral of the story
The (fox) was very hungry. He still could not get food. Now she was very weak. Was looking for food everywhere. But he could not get food yet. Then the bear comes. He says. you are fox. What are you doing here? She sees the fox. Bear eats fish. she says. I am very hungry. I can have this fish.
He says bear. You can definitely get fish. You can go some distance from here. There is a river at that place. Fish can be found from that river. Hearing this, she calls him fox. I am very hungry. I have become weak. I can’t hunt. The bear listens to him. Then the bear says. You look weak. After that the bear eats the fish. He says. I have this fish. I am very hungry too. Saying this the bear eats fish. But he does not give fish to the fox. *Fox* asks him for fish.
Moral of the story, Bike Bear does not give him fish. Now the bear says. I could give you fish. But I don’t want to give. Because I remember that day. She says fox. I don’t remember anything. Bear says. This is from that time. When I was asking you for help. But you didn’t help me. Now the <fox> remembers. she says. Reminds me of that day. Because that fox did not help. That’s why it is said. should help in life. Because after helping you also get help. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Fox Moral of the story
The fox was walking hungry. He was not getting it. Now he feels. If he didn’t get food. She can’t move forward. She was looking very sad. She lies down on the ground. She thinks now. Today he is not going to get food. She was hungry for two days. She looks. A man is coming. He has food. But why can he give me food? So he has to think about something.
Moral stories for kids in english
The man moves on. The fox follows him. The man sits under a tree. he drinks water. Because he was thirsty. Now he feels. He should have food. The fox was watching from behind the tree. The man takes the bread. eats him. Now the fox feels it. There is food in front of him. She can take it. The man was eating. she did not know. The fox watches him from afar. Now that fox goes to that man. After that takes her food. runs away.
That man thinks. The fox has taken his food. He gets very angry. The fox watches. The man is following her. Now she doesn’t stop. she runs. But the man keeps coming after him. she knows. Today this fox should get a lesson. He takes a stone. Throws it at the fox. Fox likes stone. she falls. The man comes to her. says after that. You have taken my food. If you come to me I could give you food.
Moral stories in english for class 7
Moral of the story, But you didn’t think of anything. You took the food from me. After that you ran away. It’s not done right. Hearing this, the fox understood today. He shouldn’t have done this. Because today he was facing problem. Always remember this story in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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