Ghost stories for kids in english | My ghost story
Ghost stories for kids, Both children go on talking about ghosts. Both of them were coming home alone. He was scared. Because they talk about ghosts. They see a man at some distance. Both of those kids get scared. They think Why is this man watching us? After that both the kids run away. They do not even know this. Where has he gone?
New Two Ghost stories for kids in english

Both those kids go to a house. The house was closed for a long time. He gets scared of that man. Which he thought was a ghost. They are very scared. Both of them talk to kids. We will have to stay here only. Because that man can find us outside. He sees both kids. The man stands outside. Both of them were very scared to see him. It can be a ghost. Because he is watching us. He can catch us
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Both those kids were silent today. If they make any sound. they feel. That ghost can catch us. So both of those kids were hidden. The man says. I know You have come here I saw you coming here. So you can get out of here. You must be scared of me. But you should go out of this house. Both those kids do not listen to him. Because they think so. He can catch us
After some time, the man finds them. He then catches both kids. Comes out with them. Both of them are called kids. You are not a ghost. The man says. I am not a ghost But why were you afraid of me. Both of them are called kids. We could feel it at night. You want to catch us Because you are a ghost. Hearing this, the man says. I am not a ghost But you went to that house.
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There is a ghost in that house. On hearing this, both the children were very scared. He did not know. There is a ghost in that house. They don’t understand The man says. You won’t believe it But there remains a ghost in that house. This is a long time ago. A man lived in that house. He died in that house. After that, people said. That man’s soul lives in that house. That is why no one goes to that house.
But when I saw you going to that house. After that I used to think. You should not go to that house. So I went to pick you up. Both kids hear this thing. But he says. We did not see any ghost. We don’t think so A ghost lives at that place. The man shows them. You can see that house. He sees both kids. They see someone near the window.
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Now that man says. You must have seen Who is near that window Both of them are called kids. We have understood. He is a ghost. After that both of them go to the kids’ house. They are convinced. There are ghosts. But some people do not believe it. But those who see the ghost. He can believe it.
My ghost story in english
When some kids play outside the house. He then sees a ghost. All those kids get scared. It was happening at night. He went to play outside his house. After that, he started feeling scared. All those children come inside their house. They think We should not go out now Because there is a ghost at that place. They saw him. This thing is not believed.
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Because it was happening at night. They can see anything. He sees that tree. Which they feel after seeing. There is a ghost at that place. He was understanding all the kids. A ghost lives near that tree. It was morning. They do not see anything now. Because the ghost is not visible during the day time. He told this thing to everyone. But no one believes. Because no ghost has been seen yet. After that no one believes in kids. Now they think. We all have to make sure.
It was evening. He sees that tree. Because they saw a ghost at that place. He stares at that tree for a long time. But nothing is visible. He was also feeling it. There is no ghost here, they all start playing. After that, they see a ghost on that tree. All those kids get scared. Because yesterday he also saw a ghost. Even today, he is seen as a ghost. They call people. Because a ghost has appeared at that place. When people come. They see There is no ghost here.
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Ghost stories for kids, my ghost story, A monkey was sitting on that tree. In the night time, all the children consider him as a ghost. People say You should not fear monkey When they know this thing. They all think. He was frightened by a monkey. After that day no one believes the matter of the Ghost. This story teaches us. We should not be afraid If you like Ghost’s kids story. Please do share.
Story of ghost on tree :- Ghost stories for kids
I am not afraid of ghosts. Because I can’t see him. Hearing this, his friend says. I want to understand this. If that ghost can be seen. After that you may feel scared. says Sunil. I’m not scared. Saying this he goes home. But he sees. It’s too late for him today.
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It was night. Now he was feeling scared. Sunil is not scared. But now he is scared. He thinks. This is not right. Because there is no ghost here. I shouldn’t be afraid. It goes by saying. He sees a tree in a path. He moves with the wind. But Sunil sees. There is someone on that tree. But who can be on the tree at night? He had a ghost thing in his mind.
Although he was not a ghost. A monkey was sitting there. Sunil watches. He feels like a ghost. Ghost is visible today. While this is not correct. Now Sunil is very scared. He was not feeling any fear yet. But now he is scared. He runs. But Sunil does not know. The monkey that was on the tree. She feels. He has something to eat. That’s why he’s running. That monkey also runs away.
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Sunil was very scared. When he feels Somebody is following him. Now he thinks. Today a ghost has come after him. He was very scared. Because Sunil is never afraid. But today he is very scared. He had come home. when he comes home. There is someone at his door. Sunil tells his mother. Ghost has come after me. Hearing this, the mother says. Ghost doesn’t happen.
Mother watches. He is a monkey. Now Sunil understands. He is a monkey. Now he is not afraid. He’s a monkey. That’s why in life until you do not understand the matter. You must not believe. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Fear of ghosts :- Ghost stories for kids
All the kids thought. Going to that place gives a ghost sight. That’s why no child used to go to that place. One day a man tells all those children. Why are you playing here? He says. We don’t have any place. That’s why we are playing here. The man tells them. You can play at that place. There is a lot of space in that place.
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Hearing this, all the children get scared. Because he says. The ghost lives at that place. the man says. You are afraid of ghosts. All the kids say We are very afraid of ghosts. But the man says There is no ghost here. If you’re afraid You can’t do anything in life. Everyone says after listening to that man. The ghost lives at that place. That’s why we are afraid. the man says. You all can go with me. we watch. Which ghost lives at that place?
Samall stories for kids in english
Ghost stories for kids, When all the children go to that place. the man says. There is nothing over here. There is a huge field here. you can play. He sees the children. There is nothing over here. That day he plays at that place. But no ghost is seen. Now those children come to play every day. But now they are not afraid. That’s why one should never be afraid in life. If someone says The ghost lives at that place. All information should be asked about him. Only then should you believe it.
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