Ghost story 1981


Ghost story 1981

Ghost story 1981, What do you think about life today? You know this. But what I saw. After that day I understood. There is a lot here. Of which I have no knowledge. But today this thing has come to light. Our knowledge is very less. It is about that time. When I was going to my village. This incident is from 1981. I was very young then. A lot of time has passed since this happened.

Shadow of that night :- Ghost story 1981

I was going with my grandfather. It was getting to be night time. We both were going home. But I saw that someone was behind us. But there was no one. I saw his shadow. I knew it. Someone is following us. I talked to grandfather. He saw. After that he starts saying. nobody is here. Keep moving forward. Both of us were moving forward. Because grandfather said. But why hasn’t he seen that shadow?

Ghost story 1981
Ghost story 1981

But she was behind us. I was feeling very scared. What could I do? We both reached home. Nothing had happened. You might be thinking that nothing has happened. But this was not true. I had asked grandfather. You haven’t seen anything. But I saw it. He said there is nothing. I was feeling it. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it. The next day had come. It was morning.

Hotel horror story in english

I go to play with my friends. We were all playing. It was evening. I had seen. There was a shadow behind me. But no one was behind. It was getting done. Couldn’t understand anything. What is that. who is that. I tell my friends. Something is there. He says. Nothing is there. Then they start playing. What was all this? When I told this to my grandfather. He starts thinking.

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writing london ghost stories

Maybe they know. But he doesn’t tell me. This is what he said. I shouldn’t talk about this. It was night. I had fallen asleep. But I was feeling it. Grandfather is standing near me. He was doing something. But they weren’t telling me. It’s a matter of the next day. I had understood. That’s why grandfather is not telling. Because I may be upset. He was helping me.

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It’s a matter of the next day. He takes me to the city. Because I had come to visit the village. Now he took me back to the city. I came to stay for a few days. But I was taken back very soon. Maybe I had understood. He doesn’t want to. I could not stay in that village. But my fear had increased a lot. A lot of time has passed since this happened. But whenever I remember.

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Ghost story 1981, I feel very scared. Because I feel very scared thinking about that day. Now I have understood. There is a lot in life. Which we don’t know. But our knowledge is increasing. We think. Ghosts are also in our lives. He is not visible. But he is still with us. Who feels. He feels scared. Therefore this thing should be believed.

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