Ghost story in English for class 10 in 2024
Ghost story in English, Whenever there is talk of ghosts. I am very scared. Because I knew this thing from childhood. When I was in class 10. It is a matter of that day. I was coming to my house. I did not know. Some ghost is following me. How did he come after me? I did not know this. It was evening for me to come. So I stay for a while.
Real paranormal stories :- Ghost story in English for class 10
I was very tired today. I was think. After resting for some time it can be increased further. I felt it. Someone is sitting with me. I was unable to understand Who is he. Because there is no visible I gotta go now. After some time, I start moving forward. But I also felt it. Someone is following me But there is no visible back. Today was not a good day. After some time, he reaches home.

What is that house
Nothing was looking good today. It was night. I feel sleepy It was getting late at night. I wake up. I see someone sitting in his chair. I am very scared to see him. Who can come to my room? When I get up and look He disappears. Who was it My room was locked inside. I look down from the window. I can see something He was down. Whom I saw in the room. Who could he be. He was sitting near a tree. Who can be in the night time.
Dark night ghost story
I could not go down. Because I was scared. I go to my father After that, I say this to them. They go out But there was no one at that place. They do not understand anything. Because they did not understand my point. He says I do not think so. Is anyone here You should not have thought much. I knew it. He can’t believe it. It was morning. I told this to my friends. He says You are talking about ghosts. Because they can disappear.
Creepy stories from the outdoors
I had brought my friend in today. We were both studying at night. That’s why we used to think. If there will be a ghost. We can see that. So we were together. My friend says. I do not think so. You might see a ghost. Because it is dead. He has not arrived. We both start studying. Because after some time class 10 exams were going to be held. We were both studying at night. After some time we both look at the window. Because he had a voice. We see that ghost.
Hotel horror story in english
Both of us were very scared. Now we think. There is a ghost here. My friend says. That ghost is gone. But I think so. He must have come in with you. Now I had gone to call my father. He says Nothing is there. You think more But my friend says. I also saw him. Now he starts thinking. This may be true. He could not believe it. But now they begin to feel. These two are telling the truth.
Ghost Story on the Wall
After that, Dad says. If you can see that ghost. I should also look. Therefore, he too stays inside the room at night to see that ghost. After a long time, he also sees the ghost. They do not believe it. Because they used to think. Ghosts do not occur. But now that ghost has to be removed from here. Why has he come It will also have to be explored.
Haunted story in english
The next day Dad talks about him. Because from where he came. He had called a man. Which can know all this. The man says. That ghost has come with your boy. Because you have lived here for a long time. There was nothing here. Now the matter was understood. It was a matter of that day. When that boy was coming home. He stayed near the tree to rest. He has come with her from her place.
Fear of door story in english
Now that ghost has to be removed from here. Because he can disturb everyone. The man removes the ghost from that house. Now that ghost does not come inside the house. The man says. We do not know. What can happen to us That’s why we should take care. One should not sit in an unknown place. Because sometimes trouble can come with us. It was understood after that day. There are ghosts. While I did not believe these things.
Scary stories short in english
Ghost story in English for class 10, Real paranormal stories, This story tells us. Some things are true. But we do not believe. We think That is not true. But when we have knowledge. After that, you start believing. i was convinced of the ghost after that day, i still remember this thing, i used to study in class 10. When all this happened to me. After that nothing had happened. if you think. There are ghosts in truth. Please tell us.
Ghost appeared in the night :- Ghost story in English for class 10
When the boy was coming home at night. It seemed to him. Somebody is following him. But looking back there is no one to see. That’s why he thinks. Maybe it could be a hoax. So he moves on. He doesn’t believe in Ghost. Therefore he is not afraid. But when a hand appears to him. He gets very scared. Because a hand comes on his shoulder. Seeing her, he looks back.
A scary house story
But no one is visible. He was very scared. He felt it now. This upper one is a Ghost. That’s why he thinks. From here he should leave. But the boy was not moving forward. There’s a Ghost in here. That boy understood today. There are Ghosts here. The boy starts running. He had to go home now. He was very scared. On the way, he sees his friend’s house. He comes to his friend’s house. He tells everything to his friend. says his friend. You saw Ghost.
Ghost story in English, the boy says. When I looked back After that I was very scared. That hand was on my shoulder. I was very afraid. Well I’m sure. Ghosts happen. Earlier I was not sure. But now I understand. says his friend. I’m still not sure. But you say So maybe. Ghosts happen. But the boy understood. Going anywhere at night is very intimidating. So those who are not sure. When they see Ghost. He can be sure too.
Ghost story in english in 200 words
I am very scared to go down that road today. I feel. There is a ghost on that road. But don’t understand anything. How can this happen. I still didn’t realize it. But the people say There’s a ghost here. But nothing had happened yet. I was definitely scared after listening to the people. It was night.
But when it went ahead. After that I guess. Here’s something. What can happen here? There’s a ghost over here. That’s what I felt. Because something was starting to happen. It seemed. There is someone over here. This could be my reason. There really is a ghost here. I don’t understand anything. But whatever the feeling was. There is definitely something here. Because there was a feeling of someone walking. Who is walking. I don’t understand anything. But he could be a ghost.
Ghost story in English, Suddenly I fall. I think so. Somebody has dropped me here. But who could that be? This was not understood. but it seems. people who live here. He was telling the truth. Some ghost lives here. Who has dropped me from here. Now I am very scared. Because there really is a ghost here. that can harm me. That’s why it looks good to run away from here. After that he did not go to Rata by that route.
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