Horror stories for kids in english and simple english story
Horror stories for kids in english, These horror stories are of some kids, when he went to that place, he felt a lot of fear, he did not know that the place is very scary, he had gone to that place, when it happened.
That place looks very scary :- Horror stories for kids in english

When he was playing at a place, had gone far away playing, when he went to that place, he did not like that place, he did not know what the place would be like, but when he All the kids looked at the place carefully, it felt so strange, All those kids were facing a lot of fear, because they felt that this place is not good, they wanted to get out of that place,
Monkey and crocodile story in english
But it was evening, now they have to go from that place, he must leave. Were the kids. Then the kids see. They are getting rained. Now they could not go. They were feeling more scared. This place was also scary. They could not understand anything. What should they do. But now Nothing will happen. He was waiting till Rain Skips not will leave. When rain will stop. All the kids.
But Rain did not stop yet. He felt that this way he may be quite late. But now nothing can happen, all the kids see. Someone was watching them. It looks like a shadow. That Seeing the shadow. he felt that we should hurry. Who is he. Who is watching us. Seeing that all the kids run away. This place is horror. They know, but can not stop here. That See if this shadow comes after them. It has been too much of their fear.
Scary stories for kids
All those kids hide near a tree because of that fear. They want to stay away from that shadow. Their fear was too much. They had to get out of here. If they can’t get out. Then they shadow Their they can come back. Now they had understood that this is the horror place. They should not have come to this place. They all came to that place, But now they had to leave from here. Till they shadow here. It can be difficult to get out of here.
Child story book in english
All the children were hidden near the tree. They felt that they must have been shadowed now. Because they could not see it. After some time, he sees that the shadow is behind him, he sees him, he runs away, this horror place was not good for him, he runs away, reaches home, now will never go to that place. , Tell them they understand, they go home, tell this to their mother and father, so that they also get to know the real,
Horror stories for kids in english and simple english story, But he says that you should never go to the horror place, if you go, you can face trouble anytime, you should go to the house, now that shadow is not visible to them, all Kids came out of that place, this story tells us that we should never go to an unknown place, if you liked this “Horror” stories for kids in english and simple english story, then do share it,
Horror story of a castle :- Horror stories for kids in english
This is the story of that palace. which is now closed. It is a very old palace. No one lives in it now. But the people say Someone still lives in that palace. But who is he? Which is visible in the palace. He is a ghost. who was walking in the palace. He is always visible at night. That’s why people think. He’s a ghost.
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Many people had seen that ghost. But he was visible in the night. No one used to go inside that palace. Because they were afraid. That ghost could harm them. There is a story behind that palace. That ghost lives in that palace only. This is a long time ago. We can say. This was 100 years ago. That palace belonged to a man. He lived alone in that palace. He had a servant with him. The man used to talk to his servant only. But one day that man did not return to the palace.
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Horror stories for kids in english and simple english story, When the servant found out. After that it was known. The man had died in an incident. After that day even that servant does not live in the palace. Because there is no one now. He doesn’t even own it. But the soul of that man is still there inside that palace. She roams inside the palace. He likes his palace. Haven’t caused any damage to anyone yet. But still people are afraid. Because ghost lives in that palace. In front of whom no one wants to come. Share if you liked this story.
A home horror story in english
Whenever I remember this “Horror story”. i am very scared, I still remember. That day, when I was going to my friend’s house. She was feeling very bad. So she went to meet. He was alone in the house. He was waiting for me, So he called me. When he went to his house. He told me, he looks very scared, when he told me. It was yesterday. The thing is.
He was alone at home, but when he woke up to drink water at night. he gets some voice, he goes to listen to that voice, he sees a shadow near the window, he sees, he is very scared, he is a It seemed like a ghost, he is very scared, No one was near him. He has been feeling sick ever since. It has been tonight. It still looks like. He can get that shadow. So he called me. I am afraid to listen to him. Because there could be a ghost. I could not understand this thing.
Because if there is a ghost. who is seen near the window. what he can do. We cannot imagine. It was night. We both see near that window. Because that ghost would be seen by him. We were not sleepy. After some time the same thing happens. That ghost starts to appear. The shadow was seen in the shadow. Now nothing can happen. Because he was watching us. But we are watching. He does nothing. After some time he leaves.
Horror stories for kids in english and simple english story, Why all this is happening. because why that ghost comes. It was morning. We both understood one thing. He should change this house. Because that ghost is coming everyday. Since he changed house. After that the ghost does not appear. Maybe it is in that house itself. It is not easy to believe some things. After that day the ghost was convinced but this thing is always remembered.
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