Inspirational English stories with life lessons
Inspirational English stories, When we make any decision in life without thinking. After that there is always trouble in life. This story teaches us a lesson. We should not do anything in life without thinking. Because it can cause problems to us. This story is of a monkey. Which did not understand anything. Because he did not want to understand. We learn a lesson from this story.
Two Inspirational English stories with life lessons

Was a monkey. He did not always listen to anyone. After that he comes into problem. One day the monkey’s chief said that we have to leave from here. Because the fruits have ended here. We have to go in search of another place. All monkeys start moving. He also goes to the monkey. Who does not listen to anyone. When all the monkeys reached a village. The monkey’s chief said that we have nothing to do here. Because no one should have problems.
stories with moral lessons :-
They were all moving forward. A house was being built at some distance. The people who built that house went to eat food. When those people were engaged in building the house. After that they used to go to eat food. Even today, they went to eat food. But before leaving he went to keep the wood. Because they had to come back and work again. All the wood was kept in one place. All the monkeys were going from the same place. But that monkey stops at that place.
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He sees all that wood, He starts climbing on them, He did not know that, All this wood is very heavy. If she fell. After that he could get into problem. The monkey climbs on those wood. All wood falls fall. She was all very heavy. She falls on top of the monkey. The monkey hurts a lot. Because that wood fell on him. All those people come only after some time.
motivational stories with moral :-
Inspirational English stories, They see Wood fell on a monkey. They all help him. After that the monkey runs away. Because today the monkey came to know. When the monkey’s chief refused. But the monkey was not listening. After that, he gets into trouble. No work in life should be done without thinking. Therefore, this thing should be remembered in life. If you like this story. Share it.
Inspirational English stories of rich and poor
We should remember one thing in life. We should think this. If the poor man is living his life with great difficulty. We should consider removing his difficulty. But his compulsion should not be taken advantage of. It’s about that day. When a man goes to sell some fruits. He has very few fruits. Because he doesn’t want to be rich. She feels. If by selling some fruit he can get food.
King and Farmer moral stories
That’s why he sells fruits. He goes to sell fruits. After that a car comes. One of the men calls him. He says. I want fruit He says fruit seller. This fruit is very good. He says rich man. What is their price? That fruit seller says very low price. He says. That’s a lot of price. This is not right. If you reduce the price of fruits. can bear fruit. This poor man thinks. If I want to eat food today. So I have to give these fruits at a low price. He gives fruits at low cost.
After that the poor man moves on. The rich man tells his friend. It always says higher price. But we should reduce their prices. After that fruits should be taken. After that the rich man goes to the hotel to have food. He eats very good food. After that he gives more money to the person who cooks the food. Because he had cooked good food.
The importance of time story
Inspirational English stories, Seeing this, the rich man’s friend says. You are giving more money here. While they are not needed. You gave less money to that poor man. that is not good. Now the rich man understands. He was doing it wrong. In life we should help the poor. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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One farmer was very poor. He was short of money. But he knew. If he works hard After that, hard work is successful. This can be a good thing. The farmer worked hard. But still the crop could not be good. Because water was needed at that time. But the crop could not get water. It did not rain Now what could the farmer do.
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Farmer’s wife also used to be very ill. Because they did not have good food. Sometimes they had to be hungry as well. One day the farmer was sitting on his farm. The farmer was upset. He was thinking How can he solve all the problems? No idea was visible. Who was seeing that one rich? Wealthy knew everything about that farmer. He also knew this. The farmer is poor.
Farmer’s Money: –
He could not meet the need of money. So the rich man wanted to help him. He knew this. If he gives money to the farmer. He can refuse. That is why the rich man does one thing. He keeps a lot of money with the farmer. Goes from that place. He watches from a distance. What does this farmer think about money? The farmer starts dying. He sees money
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Whose money can it be? How did it come here? That farmer thinks everything. But he does not get the answer. Because he did not know. Where did this money come from? He was sitting silent. He was looking everywhere. he could see something. But no one can see it. Now he feels that this work can be God. He knows I am sad I am upset He has helped me.
Life can change :-
That farmer was now very happy. He was looking rich. The farmer is very happy. He can solve his problem. So that rich man now goes away from that place. The farmer comes to his house. He tells this to his wife. God has helped us. We have money. The farmer’s wife is happy. Their lives can change. He can now overcome his problem.
Moral of the story :-
This story teaches us. If we help someone in life. It can make life successful. A lot can happen with your help. So everyone should help. If you like this Inspirational English stories with life lessons. Share it.
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