Kg stories in english
Kg stories in english, Both the camels were walking for a long time. He was also thirsty. But the water was not available yet. Those two camels were very good friends. But now he was looking for water. When it’s too late. The first camel says. I am very thirsty. I can’t move forward now. The second camel also says. I am very thirsty. But they do not get water. The second camel was sitting. He can see water in the distance.
1- Tale of two camels :- Kg stories in english

He tells his friend. I can see water. The first camel says. Water is visible. We must go Both the camels go to that place. Where there was water. The second camel says. There is very little water here. I want this water. The first camel says nothing. Because he knows. His friend did not want to give him water. The second camel drinks water. He was no longer thirsty. But he did not leave water for the first camel. The second camel says.
Panchatantra stories in english for two parrot
Kg stories in english, There is no water here. The first camel says. You are my friend. You’ve got water. You are not thirsty now. This is a very good point. Whereas the first camel does not mind his words. Because she is his friend. But this story tells us. That’s what a good friend is in life. One who cares about his friend. who go together. He is not a true friend. One who thinks of himself. He feels it. He should think for himself. Whereas Sue should also think about his friend.
2- Story of pigeon and Ant :- Kg stories in english
The pigeon was sitting on the tree. Very cold wind was blowing. While it was very hot. He loves to sit on the tree. Now she doesn’t feel hot. The river flows near that tree. Due to which cold air is felt. He sees the pigeon. An ant has fallen into that river. That’s a lot of water. That ant is not coming out of the water.
Samall stories for kids in english
That pigeon is worried. Now he helps her. Drops a leaf in that river. After that that ant climbs on the leaf. The ant looks up. The pigeon is sitting on the tree. She has helped him. That ant tells that pigeon. You have helped me. Saved me from that water. If you can definitely need help in life. I can definitely help you. Saying this the ant leaves. He knows pigeons. Ants are very intelligent.
Kg stories in english, After a few days the pigeon sees it. That ant has come to that place. She wants to live on that tree. While the pigeon had no problem. Because that ant is very good. After some time both of them become friends. Because they are both intelligent. We must help in life. Because by helping we also get friendship. If you liked this story. Please do share.
3- The story of the wise fish :- Kg stories in english
One day that fish swims in that river. A net was laid to catch him. That fish comes in that net. Now she can’t escape. He had understood. That man can hold her. Now how can she go to the river? That fish knew how to speak. She understands human language. when that man comes. He watches. A fish has been caught.
He is very happy. Because now he can sell the fish. She says fish. You want to sell me But you’re not going to get anything from that. I can give you a lot of money. There is a lot of gold in the water. I can give it to you in gold. Hearing her words, the man starts thinking. Nothing will happen by selling this fish. If I get that gold. After that I can become rich. He asks the fish. Where is that gold kept?
English story for class 1 with moral
Kg stories in english, The fish says is inside the water. You let me go. I’ll tell you about that. The man releases the fish. Then she goes under water. After that she says. You man is very greedy. I am saved today because of your greed. There is no gold here. Hearing this, the man gets angry. But what can he do? That fish was gone. The fish had shown its wisdom. If you liked this story. Please do share.
4- Hungry monkey Kg stories in english
That monkey was very hungry. He was feeling hungry. Now he is not going to get anything here. Because there is no fruit on the tree here. Now he feels. Must go away from here. He hasn’t eaten anything for two days. The monkey moves on. A child was playing. The monkey sees him. He had fruit in his hand. The monkey goes to him.
Panchatantra monkey stories in english
The child looks at him. He gets very scared. Because a monkey has come to him. That kid starts going back. But the monkey looks at his hand. That child understands. This monkey wants to eat fruits. After that he drops the fruit. The monkey picks him up. After that starts eating. That child had too many fruits. So he gives it to that monkey. After that he starts eating fruits. The monkey feels good now. Because he had got the fruits.
Moral stories for kids in english
Kg stories in english, After that he starts playing with the monkey. Now he feels. This baby is very nice. It gives me food. That’s why the monkey goes to his house with him. when that child comes home. After that the mother says. Why has this monkey come here? That kid tells everything. Mother says. It is a very good thing to give food to a hungry monkey. After that day that monkey lives with him. This story tells us. Food should be given to the hungry in life.
The story of the lion and the mouse
When that mouse bothers that lion. He says lion. I don’t need to bother. If you bother me After that you can get punished. He says rat. You can’t punish me. The mouse starts troubling the lion. But the mouse climbs the tree. Now the lion does not climb the tree.
That lion gets very upset now. Because he can’t climb the tree. He says rat. What can you do now? That lion doesn’t say anything. Because he can’t do anything. After some time the lion’s friend comes. He says. Why are you sitting here? He says lion. I am bothered by that mouse. He is sitting on the tree. Seeing this, he calls the lion’s friend. What’s wrong with that mouse for you? He says lion. That mouse is bothering me a lot.
Kg stories in english, The lion’s friend says. It is too short. It can’t do anything. After some time that mouse disturbs both of them. After that both those lions now become very sad. Now he says rat. You know. I can trouble you. So don’t think about it. I am very young. While you should think so. Anyone can be small in life. That’s why you should decide after thinking. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Story of bear and monkey :- Kg stories in english
This story teaches us. No one should be considered weak in life. That bear was considering himself very intelligent. But that monkey teaches him a lesson. Therefore it is not necessary. You are arrogant. So the other can listen to you. That bear was walking very comfortably. Now he sees a tree. The monkey was sitting on it.
That monkey eats fruit. Seeing this the bear thinks. He wants this tree. Because there were fruits on it. That’s why the bear wanted to take that tree. But that monkey doesn’t say anything yet. He eats the fruit sitting very comfortably. That bear comes. He says. You have to go from here. Hearing this, the monkey says. But I like this tree. That’s why I live here. Now the bear gets angry.
tells the monkey. I am getting angry. If you don’t go through the tree. I can attack you But now the monkey thinks. This bear looks proud. That’s why it has to be taught a lesson. He says monkey. you are bothering me. That’s why I am getting angry too. But the bear says Now you have to run away from the tree. But the monkey goes to another tree. The bear goes to that place too. But the bear can’t do anything. He gets very upset. After that he leaves from that place.
Kg stories in english, We should not be proud in life. Because if we do not boast. So it becomes very good. That’s why one should stay away from pride in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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