King and Farmer moral stories in english
King and Farmer moral stories in english, Epic Books for Kids, We get new lessons from this story, this story belongs to a king and a farmer, from this story we learn that, in life we should always learn from others, man is anyone, we are giving new education, We grow more of our story,
Epic Books for Kids :- King and Farmer moral stories in english

The farmer was working in his farm, his work was still there, he was doing his job well, when the farmer’s work was completed, he started going to his house, the farmer had kept some things in his Horse carriage, She was taking her home, the road was very bad, when the farmer was going, her car was stuck in the mud, she was not able to pull her Horse carriage, she probably needed help now, but her How will help, farmers will think this way Security was farmer was looking for help, but no one was found,
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What the farmer could do, he was driving the Horse carriage alone, but nothing was happening, that farmer was standing on the same side, maybe he was looking for someone to help, who could get it here, he had no eye Even when the farmer saw that a man was coming, the farmer told him that you can help me, but that man said that I do not have the time, if I waste my time here, I will be late, the farmer said it is work time, you it can help me, but he did not have any help, he was further increased,
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The farmer was feeling, what can I do here now, I can not leave my Horse carriage here, the farmer was just thinking that the king was riding on some distance, the commander came over and said Let’s remove your Horse carriage from here soon, because the king is riding, if it does not happen, you can get punishment, the farmer said that my Horse carriage is trapped here, if you can help I can remove it, the commander What was the need to bring a Horse carriage here?
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You have done a great mistake by taking your Horse carriage here, if the king is delayed, you can get the punishment, you should have thought it should be told, the commander had removed the Horse carriage, the farmer was captured,
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The king had not been aware of this, the next day the farmer was brought in front of the king, the king asked what the farmer had done, the commander said that the farmer had parked his Horse carriage on the road and kept. The person, who was having trouble, was driving this Horse carriage for a long time,
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Now you have to decide that this farmer was having problems for everyone at that place, if this horse does not stand on the train then nobody gets the problem when your ride was coming, even then it is there We stood on it, we had removed the horse-car from it, and the king looked at the farmer and asked, now you can say your point, the farmer said that there is no mistake in it, when the work of his farm is completed Had done it, so to go home Was prepared,
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But after going a little distance, the wheel of the horse carriage was stuck, I had tried a lot but she was not coming out, I had asked for much help from everyone, but no one had helped me, she was waiting for it. After a while, a man came there, if he wanted to help me, but he did not, after some time your ride was coming, then the commander told me to remove the horse-car here, After that the commander Pain was, after helping he caught me,
The farmer said that now you should tell me what is my fault in it, why I have been caught, while I had tried a lot to get rid of the horse, he was not coming from me, alone, nothing could do anything in it, The King said that he agreed with you, but I was not told all this before, because at that time he was present at the same time, I know this fact that when someone is in trouble, then Help us Must have a lot of people that do not believe he needs help not understand it can never be,
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Senapati had helped the farmer, the horse-carriage had left from there, but the commander caught you, it is the mistake of the commander, when we help someone, after that we do such a thing, Help is useless, we have no help here, the mistake of the commander has come here, you are a farmer, we can understand that you work very hard, it should not be with you,
The king said to the commander that you should not do such a thing, so that the problem of someone increases, we should reduce the trouble, so that everyone can be benefited, you did good work, but later he was useless, The matter should be kept in mind, the king said to the farmer that you can go now, it is not your fault, the king gave a lot of money to the farmer, because the farmer had to face trouble due to the mistake of the commander, the farmer The king had gone home with a reward, the king had understood the matter of the farmer,
This thing was of King and farmer, but the same thing happens in our lives, we do this in our life, which should not be done, if we do a good work, then we lose that work too. With this, our work gets useless, always do good work in life, but it is also important to keep in mind that your work is good for everyone, then you can go ahead in life,
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King and Farmer moral stories in english, Epic Books for Kids, How did you find this story, we must tell, if you liked this story, you can share it,
Second story of King and farmer : Epic Books for Kids
Epic Books for Kids, That farmer was very upset. He wanted to meet the king. So he goes to the king. that farmer says, You don’t worry about us. My crop was spoiled. But you have done nothing. This crop a man has spoiled. I know, He does not like me. So he is doing this. He has this reason. That one day I saw him stealing. I just refused him. But he Still it was not leaving.
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He then tells the peasant king. That I had reported this to the commander. But they had done nothing. The king was upset to hear. That the commander had done nothing. After which he said, That is why my crop is bad. After that the king called the commander. The man was caught. Now the crop of the farmer was very good. When it reached the king. Everything was all right.
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King and Farmer moral stories in english | Epic Books for Kids, If the farmer kept thinking that nothing would happen, he would never talk to the king about it, and all this was going on, this story tells us that if you think you have trouble with someone If you like this story of King and Farmer, then share it.
{Epic Books Stories for Kids}
Today that farmer was looking very sad. Because the crop of his farm was spoiled. How did all this happen? That farmer did not know. Today he was sitting alone at his house. He looked very sad too. He worked very hard. But his hard work was not good. He wanted to go to the king. But that king can help him. Tell this he knew.
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But he felt If that king cannot help him. After that he could do nothing. The friend of that farmer comes. When he tells everything to his friend. After that he calls friend. I have understood your point. But you have to understand. King can help. When you can tell your words to them. He can definitely help. Hearing this the farmer says.
I know. But I don’t understand. Why has my crop gone bad? Then his friend says. I saw the animal in your field today. But he had spoiled the crop in some time. I could not do anything. So when some people can go with you to the king. King can help you. His friend had read all this in {Epic Books for Kids}. Now that farmer goes to the king.
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Epic Books for Kids, King and Farmer moral stories in english, When King listens to him. He definitely helps. This story tells us when we try. Only after that we can know. What can we get? So try it. You can get help. If you liked this Epic Books for Kids story. Please do share.
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