Little red hen story moral 2023
Little red hen story moral 2023, little red hen was thinking about his harvest. Because he feels now. He has to concentrate on his crop. Little red hen when she wants to grow the crop. He did not have any idea now. That is when the grain of wheat falls in the little red hen’s field. She thinks I should grow wheat crop now. Now little red hen thinks. I will no longer be short of food by growing wheat crop.
when he thought of harvest :- Little red hen story moral 2023

She then goes to the little red hen duck. Because she wants to grow wheat crop. But the duck says. You do not have to grow wheat crop. Because there will be no benefit in this. You should grow a coffee crop. There will be savings in it. Hearing this, she thinks little red hen. If I say that duck. I want to grow a coffee crop. So I must think. She says duck. There is no need to think about it. Because there is a lot of benefit in the coffee crop. She thinks little red hen now.
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He may need money for the coffee crop. Because first he has to take granule for the coffee crop. She goes to the mouse. Because he can give money. She tells little red hen mouse. I want to grow a coffee crop. I will need money for that. He says a mouse. I can give you money But when your crop can be sold. After that you will have to return my money. She says little red hen. I can return your money by selling the crop. That mouse gives money to that little red hen.
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She admits to the little red hen duck. She then grows a coffee crop. When the crop becomes very good. She thinks Now he will benefit a lot. Because he can benefit greatly in the coffee crop. She goes to sell that crop to little red hen. But that crop cannot be sold. Because now the prices of the crop had fallen. She thinks little red hen. What is happening to me Because I worked hard to grow that crop. On the other hand, the mouse was also waiting. Because he had not received the money yet.
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She cannot give little red hen money. She goes to the duck. Because he asked little red hen to grow a coffee crop. After that, the duck can buy that crop. But the duck says. I do not think so. Now there will be some benefit in the coffee crop. But why is all this happening? says little red hen. I do not understand She says duck. This time the prices of the crop have come down.
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Because everyone has grown the coffee crop. After that everyone has a coffee crop. After that the prices of the coffee crop may not be good. That little red hen also took a loan from the rat. She starts getting very upset. Because she cannot even give loan. She says. This time the wheat crop has reduced very much. Everyone has a problem with food. Hearing this, she thinks little red hen. He thought a lot that day. Because he got wheat grains. She can earn a lot more money from him.
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Little red hen story moral 2023, But she had come to the point of duckling. Now there was no way in front of him. She goes to the mouse. The mouse says. I owe you a debt. She says little red hen. I have a problem with food. Because after coffee harvest I had no benefit. He says a mouse. I can buy your crop But you have to give me that farm. After that you have to work for me. Now she understands little red hen. He regrets his decision. Therefore, in life, the decision should always be taken after thinking. One should stay away from greed in life.
Wolf and Little red hen story moral 2023
Little red hen was walking in her garden. She didn’t know. The wolf is watching him. Because that wolf wanted to attack him. That’s why he was looking at that little red hen. He could have been a victim today. But the wolf did not want to scare him. That’s why he didn’t want to attack her right now. But there she was thinking Little red hen. There is someone over here.
Because he had realized it. Somebody lives here. who wants to attack me. So she hides Little red hen. He sees the wolf. Where has the little red hen gone? Because he could not see. He searches for her. Only then did the little red hen see the wolf. Now she thinks. He can kill me today. Because that wolf has come here in search of me. That little red hen doesn’t come out. Because the wolf was roaming outside. After some time he thinks wolf.
Little red hen story moral 2023, I feel. She’s gone little red hen. If she doesn’t go today. After that he could hunt him. But that little red hen had survived. That’s why it is said. Always be alert. Because if you stay alert. You can avoid the problem. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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