Little red riding hood story pdf
Little red riding hood story pdf, That little red riding hood was still working with her mother, when little red riding hood says, I have to go to meet my grandmother, it’s been a long time to meet them, her mother says that your grandmother So she lives across the forest, I am very scared that you have to go through the forest, but she tells her mother, don’t worry, I can reach comfortably,
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But the mother of little red riding hood feels that the small girl should not go out alone, but that little red riding hood was not obeying her mother, when the mother felt that the little girl was their thing If you are not listening, then the mother says,
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“You can go, but you have to keep in mind something that tells you, when you go through that forest, then you don’t have to talk to anyone, nobody.” Do not tell if you can do it, then you may be, is he listened to his mother,
After that little red riding hood goes to meet her grandmother, that little girl remembered what mother had told her, when she goes from the little red riding hood forest, she gets very nice flowers, She stops seeing all those flowers, she thinks that I should get some flowers, all these flowers are very good, she breaks all the flowers and puts them in the basket, she also remembers, Grandma The flowers are very nice to them, they also like them us flowers seem to break,
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When she takes the little red riding hood flowers, she sees a wolf doing this, he sees what this little girl is doing here, he approaches the little red riding hood, then says What is it that you are doing in the forest, she does not recognize it, that is what the little girl says, I am plucking the beautiful flower here, I take all these flowers to my grandmother in her elder, I have come to meet her, she lives at some distance, this wolf is happy to receive her very good hunting,
After that little red riding hood leaves there, the wolf reached before him and wanted to take the grandmother away, that wolf reached the grandmother very fast, when the grandmother opened the door, there was a wolf in front of her, She was scared to see the wolf, fainted at the same, this made the wolf happy, now she had nothing to do, after a while, that little girl would come to the same place, she sees that the grandmother is resting , Maybe their health is good No, he is resting,
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Little red riding hood did not know that she is not a grandmother, but the wolf is resting there, this is what the wolf wanted, that little red riding hood would come to him and attack him, but that little The girl sees that she is not a grandmother, but someone is asking here, I think this is a wolf, she runs away from the little girl, seeing that the wolf also comes to know that she might It turns out that he is a wolf, he also goes after him,
little red riding hood looks behind her, that wolf is coming, she is very scared, she goes for help, but she has not got any help yet, she is scared, because wolf is coming after her Was, then someone hears the sound of little red riding hood, he was working in the forest, his goes on that little girl, he wants to save her, he stops the wolf, now that little girl is saved Is, that man had saved her, when grandmother The awareness that is forest and comes.
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little red riding hood story and new little red riding hood, Grandma does not understand anything, because what little red riding hood is doing here, how did this wolf come to my house, after that the little girl tells that the wolf had met her on the way, all the same. I had found something, now Grandma understands everything, how the wolf came, this story tells us that we should not talk to an unknown, he should not have told anything, if you If you liked the little red riding hood story and new little red riding hood, share it.
2- Little red riding hood story pdf
Little red riding hood had just started plucking flowers, when she thought, I should go to my grandmother, because it’s been a long time since I met her, Little red riding hood goes to her mother and says, I have to go to grandma, when mother heard this thing, she started saying that this path is very big, how can you go alone, but she started saying small girl, I know the way, I No problem, mother Accepts this point,
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After that Mata says that you are going to grandma, but you have to take care that you do not have to talk to any unknown, Little red riding hood says, well, I notice this I will keep, after that Little red riding hood goes to meet grandma, she was going on the road, when Suki glances at a lot of flowers, she stops, starts plucking some flowers, because she knows, The grandmother also loves flowers, small The girl did not know that a wolf was watching her,
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He goes to the wolf costume, then meets Little red riding hood, he arrives, telling you you’re going, Little red riding hood tells him he’s going to grandma’s house, while his mother Refused to talk to a stranger, he considers the wolf, before he goes to the grandmother, he asks the wolf, the little wood also goes to the grandmother, but when she opens the door, the wolf The same happens on
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Little red riding hood gets scared, then runs away, because he finds out that there is a wolf here, she asks for help, when a man was working at the same place, he would see Little red riding hood. Is, stops him, he asks, what’s the matter, she tells, he is followed by a wolf, that wolf also comes, that man drives him away, that girl survives, grandma also comes after some time. Is, she asks, how has it happened, after that grandma knows everything Goes, grandmother says, never talk to an unknown person, if you like this little red riding hood story pdf then do share.
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