Panchatantra stories in english for class 4
Panchatantra stories in english for class 4, This story is of that boy. Which was in class 4. He was still very young. But he used to do his work very well. He was also very good in studies. Whatever he was given work. He used to complete it. Once upon a time. That boy was coming back from school. He saw it raining. He could no longer go home.
1-New panchatantra stories in english for class 4

The boy stops for a while. Boy thinks, when the rain can stop. He can go to his home. His gaze turns to a man. The man was watching the rain. He seemed somewhat sad. The man was very poor. There were questions in his mind. That boy still could not understand a lot. The boy goes to the man. The man looks at the boy. The man says. You have come from school.
I am hungry :-
The boy told that he was going home from school. But it has rained. The man told the boy. When he was younger. Used to go to school But the school could not go for long. Because he is very poor. He could not study further. The boy asked, are you hungry? The man says. You have food The boy removes food from his bag. Gives him food to eat.
Today that boy had not eaten. Because he was not hungry. The man eats food. The man says. You are very good. Which class do you study? Says the boy. I study in class 4 The man says. You help everyone. Today you have given me food. No man asks anyone. But you are very good I have food After that the boy goes home.
That boy goes :-
Because the rain had stopped. That man used to see him everyday. The boy used to bring food for him. Both of them became good friends. One day it was that boy’s birthday. Food was also being prepared in the evening. Says the boy. I have a friend. Which is very good. I also want to call him The boy’s parents say. You can call him That boy goes. With that comes the man. The man was very poor.
The boy’s parents say. You are very poor They give him good clothes. Because he did not have good clothes. After some time, food also comes. He says poor man. You have given me food. This boy is very good. I did not know Its birthday I have nothing to give the boy. The boy says. You are also very good. You do not need to give anything.
Moral of the story :-
After some time everyone starts going. That poor man also starts going. The boy tells him. You always stay with me Hearing this, his parents give him work here. Now that poor man lives here. Today, a student of that class has done a great job. A poor man was helped. If you like this Panchatantra stories in english for class 4. Share it.
2-Story of hungry monkey :- Panchatantra stories in english for class 4
He was a very hungry monkey, he was not getting food. he had gone all over the house. But no one gives him food. they think. If we give food to this monkey. It can definitely come here again. That’s why he doesn’t give her food. That monkey sits everywhere. But he does not get food. He watches. A boy is sitting in the house. The monkey goes to him.
Panchatantra monkey stories in english
Panchatantra stories in english for class 4, The boy looks at the monkey. He becomes very happy. Because a monkey has come. He thinks. It must be hungry. So he brings an apple for the monkey. That monkey eats the apple. Eats very quickly. The boy understands. It’s very hungry. So he brings some bread for her. That hungry monkey eats bread. Now he was feeling great. Because his hunger was gone. He sees the boy. Now that monkey is gone.
Moral stories for kids in english
We learn from this story. We should give food to the hungry animal. Because if we can’t help them. He can get into a big problem. That’s why it is necessary to give them food. If any animal comes to your place hungry. He should be given food. If you liked this story. Please do share.
3- Lion Panchatantra stories in english pdf
The lion was sitting near his cave. He was very weak today. Because he could not hunt for a long time. He was also very sad today. Because he was sick too. Once upon a time. When he went on lion hunting. He was injured. After that he became ill. From that day he was sitting in his cave. No one had come to him. All the animals start thinking.
The magic pot story in english
Why is the lion not visible for a long time? Some animals say This is a very good thing. He hasn’t been seen. Because that could have become a problem for us. But still some animals think. We should know this too. Why is that lion not visible? Some animals do not want to go near him. But say something. We should see That’s why some animals go to see the lion. He goes to the cave, he calls the lion. After some time that lion comes out.
He sees everyone. Looks like that lion. Today some animals have come to him. Maybe he is asking about my health. He asks all the animals. You haven’t been seen. That’s why we have come to meet. Lion is happy to hear this. She feels. Today some animals have come to ask about him. Hearing her talk, the rabbit says. Today the health of the lion is not good. That’s why I think. It’s a happy day. That rabbit starts dancing. Seeing this, all the animals get very scared. The lion gets angry. He kills the rabbit.
panchatantra stories in english pdf, All the animals were very scared. Now he leaves from that place. This story teaches us. One should not make fun of anyone in life. Because if he gets very angry. After that the problem has to be faced. Now that lion goes inside the cave. If you liked this story. Please do share.
4- Lazy donkey Panchatantra stories in english with moral
This story is about a lazy donkey. Always that donkey used to be very lazy. But we should not be lazy. This story teaches us. Being lazy in life is not a good thing. Because the one who is lazy. There is a problem in his life. Now we move on to our story. That donkey had become very lazy. He eats grass. After that he falls asleep. This was his life. He didn’t do any work.
Because he thought. Relaxation is great. Its just matter of one day. The donkey sees a cave. Now he feels. Whenever any problem arises. He can live in this cave. Can save her in the rain. That lazy donkey can live in that cave. Now he doesn’t face any problem. Every day he eats grass. After that he goes to the cave. He starts living in the cave. Its just matter of one day. He watches. All the animals were leaving from that place. Because now there was nothing at that place.
He says all animals. You should also go with us. He says lazy donkey. For me this place is very nice. I eat grass. I have found the cave. Now I don’t have to go anywhere. Thinking this, the lazy donkey goes to the cave. All the animals leave from that place. But he does not go lazy ass. Because he likes this place very much. One day it rains very heavily at that place. That lazy donkey goes to the cave. Because it was raining outside. Now he is very hungry. He looks at the grass.
Panchatantra stories in english with moral, But how to go in the rain? When it’s too long. The rain doesn’t stop. He comes out of the cave. That cave was very high. That donkey starts coming very hard. But because of the rain, his foot slips. He falls. He is in a lot of pain. Now he understands. All the animals were leaving from that place. But he had stopped because of the cave. He had become very lazy. Now he can’t be lazy. Because he has understood. Don’t be lazy. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Goat’s understanding panchatantra stories with moral
This is the story of a goat. This story teaches us. We should not be afraid even when we face problems in life. Because if we are afraid We can’t do anything. We may have to face difficulties. After that the problems of life do not subside. keeps increasing. Now we move on to our story. This goat was eating grass.
She didn’t know. The lion was waiting for him. He wants to attack her. But when the lion comes to the goat. She watches. Today the lion has arrived. He can kill me. He says lion. You can’t escape today. She says goat. you can kill me But before that the lion has to be defeated. that says. Here is the king. Hearing this, he says lion. I have not seen any other lion. Hearing this, she says goat. I know. Where does he live? That goat takes that lion.
Goat says. That lion lives in this well. The lion looks at him. The second lion is inside the well. He tells the lion to the goat. You wait here. I just come. The lion jumps into the well to attack the other lion. Now that goat says from above. Now you must have got the lesson. You can’t come out of the well now.
Panchatantra stories with moral, The lion understood. All this was thought by the goat. There is no lion here. This story teaches us. We should not be afraid in life. Because this fear does not work for us. We can’t come out of the problem. If we are not afraid. We can move forward thinking. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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