Princess story in english writing
Princess story in english writing, That princess was sitting in her palace. The princess did not meet anyone. Because he was very proud. She was a princess. Its just matter of one day. That princess was going on a hunt. On the way she meets a man. He was a beggar. The beggar tells the princess. I am hungry. Hearing this, she calls her a princess. Get out of my way. Because if I get angry. You can get punished for it. The beggar gets scared.
1- Princess Ego story :- Princess story in english writing

After that the beggar goes away. That princess moves on. But the weather was looking very bad. That’s why the {princess} could not hunt. But now it was evening too. That princess had come from the palace alone. He didn’t understand. Where can she go? Now the princess could not go to the palace from that place. Because now it was night too. Now the princess sees. A hut is visible at some distance. Light is coming from it. That’s why the princess goes to that place.
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The [princess] saw an old lady sitting in that hut. She tells that old lady. I can’t find any good place here. I am a princess. Hearing this, the old lady says. You can’t find it anywhere else here. Because it is far away from a village. Now it’s over. You can stay here tonight. The princess thinks. She can stay beside the old lady. But the princess was very hungry. says the old lady. I am very poor. That’s why I don’t have good food. You might not like it. That (princess) eats that food.
She likes it very much. But the “princess” does not understand. How could this food be so good? Even though they don’t have much resources. says the princess. Your food looks great. I did not know. This food can be great to eat. Hearing this, the old lady says. I do not believe that. You might like this food. After that the princess eats even more food. says the princess. What work do you do?
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says the old lady. Who gives me work? I bring wood from the forest. After that I sell them. This gives me food. That princess does not like hearing this. Today for the first time the princess understood. What is the life of a poor like? The (princess) asks all the things in that old lady’s life. which he feels. Now there should be a change inside the princess. From that day the anger of the princess was gone. Because he understood the life of the poor. The next day she takes the old lady to the palace.
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Princess story in english writing, There the king was waiting. The princess had not come to the palace yet. But as soon as the {princess} comes to the palace. The king is very happy seeing this. That princess has changed. His pride was also gone. Some things happen in our life. After which our life itself changes. So if you liked this story. Please do share.
2- The Lion and the Princess Story
When the princess saw the lion. He was injured. The princess never used to hunt. He didn’t like it. She tells the soldier. You can bring a leaf of that tree for this lion. The princess had a good knowledge of all the trees. She wanted to cure that lion. The lion was looking at the princess. He couldn’t do anything. Because he was injured.
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Now Princess helps him. Plants that leaf. So that the lion can be cured. The lion was resting now. That princess had helped the lion. Now that princess comes back to her palace. It was night. Some people were roaming outside the palace. She sees the princess. Who can it be? That Princess comes out of the palace. tells the soldier. Some people were roaming here. But he says soldier.
There is no one here. While the Princess felt. There is someone over here. That Princess moves on. I want to see those people. But she cannot see them. Now the princess is caught. Those people were hiding. no one knew. Who are those people? He takes away the princess. Now the Princess cannot do anything. She didn’t know. What can happen now?
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When those people were taking the Princess. She was crying out for help. But no one listens at night. That Princess was thinking. Who can save me now? When those people go to the forest. The princess makes a sound. The lion comes. Who lives in the forest. He attacks those people. The princess watches. A lion is attacking them. Princess is also scared. He can also attack Su. But that lion doesn’t say anything.
Because she had helped Princess Lion. Now the Princess understood. This is the lion. Now he is not afraid. This story tells us. You help in life. He can help you too. But you should not expect help. After that you can get help. If you liked this story. Please do share.
3- Princess and the thief story in english writing
When the Princess comes to the King. She looked sad. King asks. why are you sad says the Princess. I know. You worry about me a lot. But I want to go out of this palace. You don’t let me go That’s why my heart remains very sad. King understands this. But what can he do? He does not want to see the Princess in any problem.
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That’s why he does this. But King has some understanding today. If he marries the princess. After that Princess will not have any problem. Because the prince can protect her. The king tells the princess. Now you will not have problem. Hearing this, the Princess asks. What are you going to do? King says. I can marry you After that this problem may go away. Because your protection is very important.
The king had told the princess. But with whom can he marry? King does not understand this. Because he wanted to find a suitable person for the princess. So he goes to meet his friend. that could help them. Today the princess was alone in the palace. A thief comes that day. The princess did not know about this. Who is that thief? who has come to the palace.
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It was night time. He comes to the palace princess’s room. steals at that place. There was no king today. Because he had gone to meet his friend. Even the soldier did not know about this. The eyes of the princess open. The thief jumps out of the window. Seeing this, the Princess tells the soldier. Here came the thief. But you are not aware of any of this. The soldiers chase the thief. But there was no use.
He had run away. Now the princess feels. If she goes out Even after that the problem comes. There is a problem here too. I don’t understand anything. It was morning. The Princess sees a man on a tree. After that she keeps looking at him. He climbed the tree very fast. He had arrived very soon. But who is he? The princess calls the soldier. After that she asks the man to come. The soldier brings the man.
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Princess asks the man. You climb trees very fast. How do you do all this? the man says. This is all he has learned. The princess gets suspicious. This is not a thief. Because he had come out of the palace very soon. But that Princess could doubt it. But they couldn’t believe it. When the king returns. discovers them. A thief had come to the palace. The commander is called.
But he doesn’t know either. This is how it all happened. The princess tells the king. That thief had come to my room. But what was he doing? I don’t know anything. King says. You don’t need to be worried. I do something After that the Princess feels. That man can be a thief. The next day also he is on the tree. Princess calls him. What does he do on that tree every day? the man says.
He takes fruit from the tree every day. But this thing is not understood by the Princess. The man leaves. After that she calls the princess soldier. tells them. You have to climb the tree. What’s in that place? Will have to see this. The soldier climbs the tree. Now he sees something on the tree. The money was hidden on that tree. Now the Princess understands everything. He is a thief.
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Princess story in english writing, This is told to the king. The thief is caught. Now the king understands. The princess is smart. She can do anything. He doesn’t need to worry. When the king understands this. He says. Now you can walk out of the palace. This story tells us. One should be wise in life. If your decisions are good. You are smart. You can do anything. If you liked this story. Please do share.
4- Protect the princess :- Princess story in english writing
That {princess} had gone out of her palace. His eyes go to one place. Some sound comes from that place. That princess goes to that place. She looks. A man is unconscious near the tree at that place. She looks. He understands now. This man has been attacked. But he didn’t seem to attack. After that the princess brings him to the palace.
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When the man comes to his senses. He watches. Arrived in a palace. That’s why the man asks. Whose palace is this? The [princess] comes to him. she says. You met me at that place. How did you go to that place? the man says. This is from a long time ago. Those attacking you were talking. She had listened to the talk. After that I thought. You should tell this. But when I was coming from that place. He had caught me. After that he could never come from that place. But today I ran away.
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Princess story in english writing, He had seen me running. He had attacked me. But I was saved. After that he hid near that tree. I was saved. I was injured. After that I could not move forward. So he fainted. After that I don’t remember anything. Now the (princess) says. I understand now. All this happened because of me. But now you know them, you can tell me He can definitely be caught, but you have caused a lot of problems for us, but the man says We are your people. You take care of us. That’s why we think We also have to think for your protection.
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