Self Written Short Moral Stories


Self Written Short Moral Stories

Self Written Short Moral Stories, That Monk was sitting at some distance. I feel seeing them. Should talk to them. Because I think so. He can answer my question. I went to him. They see me Monk says. You look very upset I think by listening to them. He can answer me I asked him. Can you answer my question?

New Self Written Short Moral Stories in English

Self written short moral stories in English
Self written short moral stories in English

Because I am half upset. Monk says. Trouble comes in everyone’s life. But the trouble is for some time. After that she goes away. But my question was this. How can I succeed in my life? Because I was working hard. But I used to think. Hard work is very important in life. But my hard work does not succeed. Why don’t I succeed after a lot of hard work?

Work hard: –

Hearing this, Monk says. If we want to succeed. We have to remember one thing in life. Success does not come easily. Hard work is very important to achieve success. Along with hard work, the right direction is also very important. Because if you work hard in the right direction. After that you can succeed. So first you have to see. How much time do you give to any work. To achieve success, you have to work very hard. Because only your hard work succeeds.

Best Story of honesty in english

I was listening very carefully to Monk’s talk. Because I wanted an answer to my question. If I get an answer. Only then I can be successful in my life. That Monk tells me. There can be any goal in life. But to achieve the goal, hard work is required. Some work can be completed even in less hard work. But it is not necessary. All the work should be done in less hard work. What is your goal Because success can be achieved only by keeping your goal in mind.

Achievement of target: –

I think so. Why was I not succeeding Because I have to work very hard for my goal. If we work very little. We don’t get success after that. This makes us very sad. Because we think. There is nothing we can do in our life. But this is not true. Our hard work can lead us to success. But time is very important for that. Because time is very important for any of our work.

Adventure story in english

If you study You want to do very well in it. You also have to give time for that. A study done in a short time cannot reach you. That’s why your time is very important. If you do any work You want to succeed in that. You also have to give time for that. Therefore, time is very important. Should use your time. Because it can lead you to the goal.

Moral of the story: –

Self written short moral stories in English, Today I think of listening to Monk. You can get success in life. But for that you will have to work hard. I think so. You might have liked this story of mine. Work hard in life Success is definitely available.

The story of when the lion was faced :- Self written short moral stories in English

It’s about that day. When I encountered the lion. After that day I felt. Today that lion can attack me. But that lion could not attack. It was evening at that time. I went for a walk with my friends. I did not know. The lion has come in that forest. Because there was nothing at that place. How did he come? Didn’t know this.

The importance of time story

When that lion appeared in front of us. We didn’t understand anything. We all couldn’t even run. Because he could have caught us easily. Everyone was very scared. It seemed to them. No one can save us today. Because seeing that lion, we do not understand anything. Why has he come here? Maybe he’s here for us. That lion was about to attack. But from somewhere a man comes. He kills the lion. We did not understand seeing this. From where would that lion have come?

Genesis good story

Self written short moral stories in English, That man had proved to be very good for us. Because he lived in that forest. He had come to know. We are at that place. Maybe he was coming to talk to us. But seeing the lion, he attacks him from behind. by which he dies. the man says. I have lived here for a long time. Your voice was heard. After that came here on time. If I don’t come on time. After that there could be a problem. But we said that today we were all saved because of you. He was a very nice man. He left after a few minutes. Whenever I remember that day. We are very scared.

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