Short stories in english
Short stories in english, Two ghost story of door fear, This is about the time when we went to that palace, all three of us thought, we should see that palace, but nobody knew, there is something in the door of that palace, it was evening time, We three friends were roaming inside the palace, this palace was not famous, now it was spoiled, no one used to go to that place, but all three of us were gone, when we were gone a long time, after that we Starts going home, but that palace door was closed.
Two ghost story of door fear :- Short stories in english

Short stories in english door fear, We did not think, that door can be closed by anyone, because there was no one at that place, all three of us were inside the palace, but that door was not opening, we could not jump from that wall,
Dark night ghost story
That door would open. But we could go out, could not understand anything, now we were afraid of that door, because we were feeling, there is no ghost here, but how is this all happening, who locked us inside Wants to do, now it was going to be night, we felt, from here we Could not go,
Short stories in english, That door starts moving on its own, we are afraid, because how this door is moving, because it can be a ghost work, we have to go from here, because this door was becoming a problem for us, whenever The door opens, all three of us could escape from here, after some time that door opens, all three of us come out, when we come out, that door is also open, we understand, there is a ghost here , We have no use stopping here, we were not at that place,
Fear of door story in english :- Short stories in english
short stories in english, In this story, the door is very scared, this door often makes a noise, which makes you very scared, you will like this story,The fear of that night is still, whenever she miss the night, she is very scared, because that happened on that day, she was very scary, we were not all at home,
True american horror story
mother and father said Today we have to go out,
so both of them went out, was at home only,
that night was very scary, both of them went away,
now they were probably going to come back in the morning tomorrow,
they Said that take care of the house comfortably,
by tomorrow morning we will come After that,
both of them went away,
It was just halfway in the night,
when suddenly there was a voice on the ceiling,
that voice was too much, who was this voice,
it went up to see the voice, but no one was there,
this thing is not understandable
It was because this voice came from saying,
it came down after it was winter season, everyone was at home,
no one was seen on the outside road, the cold was too much,
it was too much to get out It was difficult,
but who was that voice,
it was page was on his mind,
the answer was left him now,
The story of the lift demanding ghost
Today the wind was moving very fast, due to which the window was moving too much, suddenly the lightning had gone, some voice was coming from the ceiling again, but it was not known, it is not good to go to the roof every time It could have been, because there is a thief, who has hidden it after seeing me, if I went to the roof, it might be that the thief attacked me, so thinking would have to move forward, but going to the terrace is very much Feeling scary, it was good to wait only below,
Then there was a lot of noise from the roof, it seemed like someone was walking on the roof, but who could this be, who was roaming on the terrace, then the voice became very fast, now it was also scared Because that voice was coming, a voice came at the door, why was the voice coming, then there was a voice at the door, but who could be at the door, it seemed like his voice, that he is unaware, He was knocking on the door every time, because of that fear maybe the door Close to seemed very difficult,
But there was no one else, so went to open the door, there was no other way, as soon as the door was opened, there was no one, what was happening, nothing was understood, here But someone comes, after that he goes, why is all this happening today, when he saw the window, then the cat was falling off the roof, this means that the voice was coming from the cat, but Who was at the door, went down to see it, give it one dog received, which was answered below,
What is that house
He was hungry, therefore came to the door, brought something for his food, all the troubles had gone away, now it looked good, before it was very scared, if not without courage, then it can not be known that Now, everything was known, now maybe the fear had decreased, now maybe a good sleep will come,
then when the sleep went away, when the morning came, the mother and the father had come, the same night There was a lot in it, it was just a void, due to which It happened, Some incident happens in our life. On which one has to think. Sometimes it seems We have to learn many things in life. After that we can understand life. Perhaps this incident teaches us a lot. We hope you like this story, Fear of door, short stories in english, if the story is liked, you can share it,
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