Short story with moral lesson in 2024
Short story with moral lesson, The family was very poor. He had too many problems. Due to which he was not able to overcome his problems. Because his family was in a very difficult situation. He knew that there were problems in his life. They are facing them. But there is no way in front of him.
Poverty problem story in life :- Short story with moral lesson

He seems very upset. Because his family is troubled by hunger. He is not getting food. Perhaps this is why he starts feeling unhappy. One day he was thinking something sitting on the banks of the river. He sees a cave. He thinks about what could happen inside that cave. So he goes to that cave. Tries to look inside that cave.
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He does not see anything. So goes inside the cave. He gets a lot of gold. He sees that gold. Man thinks whose gold it could be. It might work for me. I have become rich today. Because this gold is mine. I can use it. The man tries to take the gold from that cave. Because today he can overcome that “problem.” Due to which his family is facing trouble.
When a man takes Gold home. So he tells his wife. Today our problems have ended. Today we have got a lot of money. After which we are not going to face any problem now. Because we will not have any shortage of funds. His wife watches. He has a lot of gold. She asks where did you get this gold from. He says that I went to the cave.
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I found this gold there. His wife says. There will be a lot of gold there. The man says that I know. There is too much gold there. But I can’t take all the gold. because I think. That my course is complete. So I did not bring gold. While his wife says that you will have as much gold as there. We have to bring it all to us. So that we never have to do any work in life. His wife was lured. Because she wanted to take too much gold.
But that man was thinking. That we should not take more gold. Because our need is not much. But he agrees with his wife. After that, he goes to take gold. He goes to that cave. So he sees a lion there. Who was protecting Gold. When he went to get gold. At that time the lion was not there, he attacks the man. After that the man is killed. His wife feels very sad. She had gotten her husband into trouble due to greed.
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Short story with moral lesson, Now she could do nothing. Because the lion had killed him. If she doesn’t covet. So his life could have gone very well. But because of his greed, he has a big problem. That’s why it says in life. We should never be lured. One should always stay away from greed. The person who covets in life. He always faces trouble. Therefore, one should always stay away from greed.
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The man was running very late. It was very hot today. Because of which he was facing a lot of difficulty in walking. He was seeing that no man could be seen. It is getting very sunny. Because of which he was having trouble walking. He sits under a tree. He was feeling very hungry.
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After some time he takes his meal. After that drink water. He starts resting right there. After some time he gets some voice. He feels that someone is sitting behind the tree. he is talking. The man was listening to them. He was talking about some money. Both of them were talking that they can get a lot of money. Due to which he can become rich.
The man was thinking. Who will they be? Who are talking about wealth. That’s why he starts listening to them. Both men talk. Today we will get money. Because of which no work will have to be done. The man was listening to them. Was thinking that I should also think about that money. Both of which he is talking about. The man follows them.
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Because he was thinking about money. Both those men reach a tree and they get money near that tree. How did he come to wealth? The man did not go. But it was understood that he had a lot of money. But how can we get that wealth? If I get money then I can become rich. Because of which he chases the man. Because he thinks that if I get this money then it will be very good.
After some time, both these men reach a place. Let’s talk about your wealth. The man listens. Because he also wanted that money. When both men were talking. After some time, the bear comes there. He attacks both bears. Both those men are killed. The man thinks that this wealth will be left alone. So I should give this money.
But the bear sits near the money. He starts looking at it. Because it can be food. So he tries to eat. But that bear does not like it. The bear leaves that money and goes away. After that the man takes that money. Tries to go from there. He thinks that today I got money because of a bear. If that bear does not come here. Maybe I could not take that money. But after some time, that bear comes back. Looks at the man. Attacks him.
Short story with moral lesson, Kills him too. This story teaches us. That one should never be tempted in life. If we greed. We can face a very big problem. Because of which we cannot face that problem. Can get your life in trouble. So always stay away from greed if you like both these stories. Share even further, let us know by commenting.
Importance of hard work in life :- Short story with moral lesson
This life is very difficult. But in this we should go on doing good work. Because if you do all this. Problems in life can be reduced. This story is of a boy. Who used to work very hard. But his friends used to say. Nothing happens by working hard. But he used to say the same thing to everyone. You shouldn’t say this.
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But his friends did not listen. Because they didn’t have to do anything. That’s what they thought. Nothing happens in life by hard work. He used to consider only luck as everything. Its just matter of one day. The boy was going to his work. Because he knew. You must work in life. If everything could be achieved by talking. So there is no need to work.
That boy used to say this. You should think about working. But his friends say You shouldn’t say this. you work Is this job everything to you? That boy says. This work is everything for me. Because I want to do everything with my hard work. They all leave after hearing this. But one day that boy becomes successful.
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Short story with moral lesson, He believes in himself. People who believe in themselves. He can do many things in life. That’s why it is very important to work in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Story of hard work :- short story with moral lesson
The boy thought. If he wants to do something in life. He’ll have to work hard. But his friend says so. No need to work hard now. Because now we go to school. when we grow up. After that you can work hard. But the boy thinks. From today we have to understand our life. But his friend does not listen. That boy thinks. If his friend is not listening. But he has to make his life better.
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That’s why he works hard in his life. He understood now. From today onwards, you can make life better by working hard. He comes with very good numbers. But his friend doesn’t pay attention. She feels. when we grow up. After that you can work hard. Time was passing by. After some time that boy becomes successful in his life. But Suak’s friend is unable to do anything. His friend was starting to understand now. That boy was right. Have to work hard from today itself.
10 lines short stories with moral, short story with moral lesson, But he had not listened to her. So he was looking at the problem in life. This story tells us. Hard work is very important in life. If you work hard from today itself. After that life can happen. That’s why one should work hard in life. If you don’t work hard. After that life can be difficult. So do work hard.
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