Stories in english to read
Stories in english to read, When the man goes through the forest. she did not know. A lion lives at that place. The man was very tired. That’s why he thinks. I need to rest for a while. He sits near a tree. After that he also feels very hungry. He had food. He starts eating food by sitting near the tree. After some time a parrot comes. He looks at the man. The parrot starts talking.
2 Best Good job story :- Stories in english to read

I am hungry. I want food. The man gets very scared. he thinks. Who could be here? He looked everywhere. But no one was visible. He knew. There was a voice. But why can’t he see it? When no one can see him. he starts eating food. he gets a voice. I am hungry. I want food. The man sees. A parrot is sitting on the tree. he is a talking parrot. he had seen the parrot speak for the first time. he thinks. I should give food to this parrot.
A Beginner’s Guide to Stories For Kids In English
He gives her food. The parrot starts eating food. After some time that parrot comes to the man only. Because he thinks It’s giving me food. When the parrot had eaten. He sits on the tree. That man thinks. If I can take it home in parrot. So can stay with me. He tells the parrot. you can walk with me He hears the parrot. says after that. I can walk with you. That parrot starts walking with that man.
When that parrot was going with that man. He sees a lion. That lion was far away. But that parrot tells him. is a lion. Hearing this, the man gets very scared. Because he knew. This parrot is saying. He must have seen the lion. The man hides. Because a lion can be anywhere. After some time he sees. The lion is going from the front. Today I am saved. This lion can attack me. That’s why he was very scared. But today that parrot had saved me. If he had not been with me. He could not escape from the lion.
Panchatantra monkey stories in english
stories in english to read, when that man comes home. Keeps that parrot with him. Because of that he came home today. He tells this thing to all the people. Everyone says. This is a talking parrot. too good for you. Because today he has saved you. the man says. Our one good deed can save us from the problem. If you liked this story. Please do share.
life can change stories in english to read
When there is no way to be seen. The man gets very upset. He feels now. there’s no way. He doesn’t have anything. But he thinks. If he can’t move on. What can he do after that? when he goes home. she knows. He is not going to get food at home. Because he has no work. He hasn’t got any work yet.
Panchatantra stories in english for two parrot
The man goes in search of work every day. She feels. If he gets the job. After that his life may change. But sometimes you get work. She feels. His life is changing. But after some time that work stops. He gets very sad. That man was very honest. He gets some work. He does it very honestly. But this work is for some time. After that life gets difficult. What can he do now? That’s what he keeps thinking.
But he hasn’t got any answer yet. He’s looking for that answer. Today he goes in search of work. He gets a rich one. He looks at the man. She feels. This man is very honest. The rich man goes in front of him. Drops some money for that man. The man sees. Some money has fallen from that rich man. But he doesn’t keep it with him. He calls out to the rich. After that he becomes wealthy.
stories in english to read, This man is very honest. He returns her money. While he is in great need of money. But still he returns the money to her. The rich man had seen his clothes. Now he understood. It’s honest too. That’s why the rich man gives work to him. From that day on that man had changed a life. This story tells us. Life can change. But for that we should try. We should do good work. After that life just changes.
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