Stories in english with moral for 10th students
Stories in english with moral, The king was thinking something. Today he had problems. When the king sees his wife. He says I think today. If I help all people. I feel very good. But when I think. I am illiterate I can not read anything I do not like it. Hearing this, the wife says. You should not think this Because you are the king. But the king knew this. They have to read.
Unique stories in English with moral for 10th students

The king calls the general. Tell them You have to find a monk. Who can teach me. Hearing this, the commander says. You don’t worry I can do this work for you soon. The king thinks If I know how to read. I can feel very good after that. Because reading is very important. Two days later, the commander arrives with a monk. He meets Monk. The king feels now. My problem can be solved.
Monk says: –
The king tells the commander. This monk knows everything. He is called the commander. You don’t worry Everyone knows this. Can solve your problem. Everything comes to this monk. It can be read by anyone. Now the king feels happy to hear this. The king says. From today onwards, this monk can live on this. Because it can teach us. After that, until we get education. It can stay in our palace.
Panchatantra monkey stories in english
From the next day Monk starts teaching Raja. Monk works very hard. Because they know. The king should get education. That’s why he has come here. A few days had passed. After that, the king used to think. They are not getting anything. While the king knew. Those monks work very hard. But he could not understand why. The king could have asked Monk this. Because they had knowledge of all. The king goes to his wife.
King’s troubles: –
He says I am not learning While Monk is working hard. But I do not think so. I can get education Do not understand this. When the wife heard this. She says. I do not know this thing. Only Monk can answer this. Now the king feels. Will have to talk to Monk. The next day King talks to Monk. You are explaining me very well. You are working hard But I am not getting anything.
Monk says this after hearing this. I was aware of this. I wanted to tell you that day too. But I used to think. You are the king. You will not like it. Hearing this, the king says. You could have told me. After that Monk says. This thing is very small. But too large to understand. The king does not understand anything. Monk says. I am teaching you But you tell me to sit down. While you sit on a high place.
Moral of the story: –
Now the king can understand. He was boasting. Because he is the king. Whereas in order to get education, we should keep away the arrogance. After that day, the arrogance of the king goes away. Because if they want to get education. Pride has to be removed. If you liked this Unique stories in English with moral for 10th students. Share it.
Money very short stories in English for students
From where did you get this money? the boy says. I got this. That’s why this money is mine. I can spend this money. Hearing this, the man says. I saw this money. That’s why this money is mine too. But that boy does not accept this. Because he had taken that money. Now who can decide this? Had to think about this.
A monk comes. Both are very happy seeing him. Because he can decide. The man tells the boy. He can decide about money. When Monk comes. Both talk to him. Monk says. You have to know this now. Whose money is it? What should be done with this money? the boy says. This money is mine. Because I got this money. the man says. I have also seen money. Now Monk had to decide. Monk says. This money is not yours.
Because this money belongs to the king. King is very upset. Because this money had fallen from him. He is sending a soldier. Soldiers can come here. Now both don’t say anything. Because they are not going to get money. Both are very sad. Because now they can’t get anything. The soldier arrives. He goes away with the money.
“very short stories in english for students”, Monk says. You should be happy But both of you are getting sad. While that money is not yours. The money is not yours. You shouldn’t be sad. the boy says. You are right. Always remember this in life. which is not ours. Shouldn’t be sad about that. If you liked this story. Please do share.
Man’s identity :- Stories in english with moral for 10th students
That “student” was going to his house. She meets a man on the way. He says. I want to go to someone’s house. But I can’t find that house. That student tells him. Where have you come from? the man says. I have come from village. That’s why I don’t understand anything here. He says student. You don’t get upset. I can help you. That student sees that man.
Moral stories in english for class 7
He understands now. That man is telling the truth. Because you also have to keep this in mind. We should not get into the talk of any unknown person. But that student does not understand anything. Because he doesn’t know. Who could he be. But the boy was feeling fine. He asks to help the man. He tells that man. You go with me That student helps that man. But later on that man catches that student. Because the man was thinking.
This student has come in my words. It’s helping me. That’s why he catches that student. But he says student. You can’t escape after catching me. Hearing this, the man says. What do you want to say. He says student. When you were coming with me I pointed it out to my friend. If anything goes wrong. He can help me. The man looks back. He sees his friend. He gets very scared.
Samall stories for kids in english
Stories in english with moral for 10th students, After that runs away. Because he understood. Now nothing will happen. He could get into trouble. After that the student meets his friend. This story teaches us. If you help in life. You have to help very carefully. Because the problem can come at any time. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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