Story in english for class 9 with moral
Story in english for class 9 with moral, Life is very difficult But we should never panic. Because if we work with our courage. We can do many things in life. This story is of a boy. Who used to study in class 9. His father was very poor. The boy’s name was Rohan. Rohan used to work very hard. He was very clever in his class. He lived with his father.
He was very smart in his class :- Story in english for class 9 with moral

He used to live in the house only. His father always wanted to. Rohan should succeed. Because this life is very difficult. We have to face a lot of problems. Therefore, he did not want to. Rohan should spend his life in poverty.
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But one day Rohan’s father gets very sick. He could no longer work. When Rohan talked to the doctor. He had explained. You should take care of your father. Because he has become very ill. Now the problem comes in front of Rohan.
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He also had to concentrate on his study. But now the problem of food also starts to appear. Because father also has to be taken care of. Now he could not go to school. Because he had to take care of his father at home. He was thinking If I can get some work. Later, he could also arrange food for his father. His father says. We are very poor.
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So we have a lot of shortage of funds. This is what I wanted. You should always stay away from poverty in your life. But now I did not think so. You can have a great life. You cannot pay attention to your study either.
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You serve me Your time is running out. While this is not a good thing. Says Rohan. You can get well soon Rohan was understanding. He has to think about everything. Therefore, he also starts focusing on his study during the time of night.
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Rohan gets work at a shop. This work was for a short time. Rohan used to visit that shop every evening. He used to work He used to get some food from his work. When his father recovers. He says Now you don’t have to worry. Because I am fine now. Rohan gets very happy seeing his father right. Because he understood. When his father was ill. He has a lot of problems.
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But that does not go away with any problem. Because he understood. When we get nervous with our problem. There is nothing we can do. we start getting upset, we face a problem, we start to get scared, So we should not be afraid. Because this problem comes for some time. Who face them. They get away from him. Which can not do. They waste their time.
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Today, Rohan has given us this lesson from this story. We should not be afraid We should never panic. Everything in our life can be good. Rohan gives his exam. He does well in his exams. His teacher says.
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We know Your circumstances were not good. But still you have done a great job. You have also studied. Has also served his father. You can definitely succeed in your life. If you liked this Story in english for class 9 with moral, do share.
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That girl studies in class 9. when she was coming home from school. He sees an old lady on the way. She asks for something to eat. Because she has liked it a lot. That girl says. You are hungry. says the old lady. I am very hungry. I haven’t eaten anything. That girl says. You stay here. I am coming now. That girl had some money.
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So she brings food for him. She used to deposit this money with herself. He used to think We should save money. Because it only works for us. So she brings food for the old lady. she says the old lady. you are very good. I was asking for food from everyone for a long time. But no one was helping. You just helped. After that the woman says. Where do you live? That girl says. I was just going home. I study in class 9.
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Story in english for class 9 with moral, says the old lady. You have given me food today. If you need. you can tell me After that the girl goes home. He tells this to his mother. Mother says. We should help everyone. Because helping is good. After that day there was a change in that girl. She helps the poor afterward. This story teaches us. Help is very important in life. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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