Tenali raman short stories english and Best 6 english stories
Tenali raman short stories english and Best 6 english stories, tenali raman had gone to the village for some work, he did not know that some men have come after him, he was going to his village, many years had passed since he went to his village So, they thought that someone is following them, but who could be the one who is coming after them, the tenali raman stopped, he was thinking, I should know, who is that people, who is my Has come back, but tenali raman does not see anyone, he is It may be,
Best 6 story :-Tenali raman short stories englishÂ

tenali raman starts walking, because he did not know who those people are, tenali raman went home, he was watching, everything has changed in his village, he loved to live in the village, but He stays with the king because of his work, there the soldier informs the king, that some people have gone after the tenali raman, we feel that he wants to catch them, a man has given this news to me, When the king learns this, he calls the commander. the commander come,
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The king tells the general, that you have to go to the village of tenali raman, because some people have to catch them, you have to do all these things easily, you have to bring those people who have gone to catch the tenali raman, You have to keep this in mind, then only you will know what is happening, why does he want to catch them, the commander says, don’t worry, I will soon bring those people, the commander will catch them Goes , Because the king soon they should, which is doing the work,
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The generals come to the village of tenali raman, but they do not know the house in which the tenali raman lives, the commander sees what house is here, but they do not understand, then they call a man, who He stays on the same, he asks for the address, the man tells the commander, that he is a yellow house, you can go in it, the commander now comes to know, he goes to that house, then the commander gets a voice , Some people are inside the house, they consider the commander Yes, he has come to catch,
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tenali raman was captured, they were taking him, the commander hides, because he wants to take them with him too, the commander captures them both, the tenali raman comes to know, the commander came Is, perhaps the king has sent them, the commander says, who are you, why do you want to capture them, they both say nothing, after that they are taken to the palace, both of them were caught, some Come to the palace after time Had gone,
The king asks them, who are you, who wants to catch the tenali raman, the man says that it bothers everyone, so they want to catch it, but it is not so, the king says that you are lying Ho, the king tells the commander, that he should be imprisoned, he will not be released until he explains why he has done this, the commander stops him, tenali raman says to the king, How are you He has come to know, he was following me, then the king had told everything,
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Tenali raman short stories english and english stories, tenali raman says that you are a very good king, you are worried about everyone, i went to your village, you sent the commander to protect me, the king says that you are very important to us , So we did it, if you liked this Tenali raman short stories english, then share it,
2- Problem story of tenali raman and village people
Tenali Raman was sitting at his house, then the soldier comes, he says that the king is calling you, so you should go, tenali Raman says, well, I will go with you, then in front of the king Come, the king says that you have to go to a village, from that you will know, the problem is coming from where, tenali Raman says you should not worry, I go soon, after that village I go to
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Tenali villagers say to Raman, what have you come to do here, he says that the king has sent me, the villagers say that we are facing problems, our crop is also getting spoiled, But the king does not do anything, tenali Raman was getting to know everything, this village is facing a lot of trouble, I should bring his problem to the king, he says the villagers, that we talked to the king , He said that, of course, but still did not get any help, do not expect us,
tenali raman says that if the king has said so, then he definitely helps everyone, after that tenali raman comes to the king, he tells everything to the king, the king says, i think so , That the work I have given has not been completed, the king calls the man who was given this job, the man says nothing, the king understood that it has not helped with money, Tenali Raman understands that the villagers have not been helped. ,
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The king says to tenali raman, “You will do all this, I don’t think this man does anything, let him be imprisoned, that man is caught, when tenali Raman is given this job, all of that The villagers help the people, the king now realizes that tenali Raman is doing his job very well, if you liked this story, then do share it,
3- New story of tenali and farmer
tenali Raman saw that a farmer was working, but he was also very hungry, because he was drinking water, tenali Raman did not like it, because he had heard the person saying that today I am very I am feeling hungry, but I have nothing to eat, last year only my crop was spoiled, I was not benefited, even the king does not listen to the farmer, he should also see that the farmer In shape but shay He does not want to know it,
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tenali Raman saw who’s hut is nearby, the farmer goes in it, tenali Raman also goes after him, he makes a voice from outside the hut, the farmer comes out, he sees that someone is outside , He is tenali Raman, but the farmer does not know, he says, who are you, what are you doing, he tells the farmer, I am feeling very hot, it is very sunny outside, so I eat in I want to do it, but can’t do it out, the farmer says Is that you can come in, here you can have food,
After that tenali Raman gives food to that farmer too, but it will not be fulfilled on the problem, so the king should also see, only then can something happen, Tenali tells the king, that our farmer is in a lot of problem, Their problem should be overcome, the king says that we should help all the farmers, the tenali Raman also comes with the king, he sees that the farmer looks very upset, the king goes to him, that farmer See the king Is, he is very happy, because the king came to meet him, he gives farmers tell their problems
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The farmer sees tenali Raman, he realizes that he has brought it to the king, the king gives a lot of money to that farmer, because he had nothing, he makes his crop good with that money. , He comes to tenali Raman, he says that you have sent the king here, so that our problem can be solved, you are very good, tenali Raman says that all the farmers should be happy, this is what I want,
4- Story of Tenaliram and Raja’s defense
Tenali raman was coming to his house,
because it was too late to return to him, he sees in the way of the forest,
that a man is standing, he is talking to someone,
Tenali raman listens to them, because he the man was talking that.
he wants to catch the king, he is scared to hear that,
because he did not want the king to get into any problem,
he wanted to see the man, but he got some look. Don’t know,
maybe he returns Sessions are gone,
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Tenali raman tells the king that the problem has increased greatly, he wants to catch someone, but who does not want to do all this, the king did not even know, the king calls the commander, he says that The men who want to harm us should be found out, the Tenali raman feels that this task is not easy, they have to find out, even the commander does not know who those people are, they have to understand. , Tenali raman also know,
Tenali raman short stories english, He goes to the forest, the place where he talks, but nothing is seen, then Tenali raman finds a man, he does not say anything, but Tenali does not like anything, because he Did not know who this is, but Tenali feels that it is hiding something, Tenali raman chases him, he sees which house he is, Tenali brings the commander, he both Men are caught, now it is known that the king. wanted to catch, Tenali because it was everything, because they were caught, the king was happy,
5- Tenali ramakrishna and tree leaf story
A man comes to tenali ramakrishna, he says, there has been a theft in our house, but the one who has stolen it is not known, all the servants in our house, I think, have been stolen by any of them So, you have to help us, tenali ramakrishna says, don’t you worry, we go to your house, after that the man and tenali ramakrishna go home together, after that tenali ramakrishna talks to his servant, But nobody tells,
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tenali ramakrishna says, i know who the thief is, but i want him to come in front, no one comes in, the man from tenali ramakrishna says, what will happen now, nothing is understood, tenali ramakrishna says, no problem, we find out the thief soon, tenali ramakrishna gives them a tree leaf, tenali ramakrishna says, whoever has stolen, his leaves will double, then all the servants in the room. Let’s go, the next day tenali ramakrishna d They go, all the servants are called, then all the servants come,
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Tenali says ramakrishna, whose leaf is small, he is a thief, a servant’s leaf was small, because he was feeling, this leaf will grow bigger, I should make it smaller, because after some time this leaf will grow bigger, but Nothing had happened, the man says, you have found the thief, you have fixed my problem, then tenali ramakrishna goes home, because the thief was caught,
6- Story of tenali ramakrishna and thief
Tenali ramakrishna see, the king has just gone from the palace,
but some people go inside the palace as the king goes,
why he has gone to the palace of the palace,
tenali ramakrishna does not know this, he thinks,
i go after him Will happen, because what place he has gone,
what he wants, nothing is understood, tenali ramakrishna goes after him,
he sees everything, he wants to bring the sword of the king inside all the palace,
But why are they doing this, I want to stop , He met the commander,
the commander says, it’s all some how,
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Because soldiers are outside the palace, tenali ramakrishna says,
all the soldiers are sleeping, on hearing this, the commander says, don’t worry,
I do everything soon, he goes inside the palace with tenali ramakrishna,
All people are captured, because they want to take the king’s sword,
now the king comes inside the palace, he sees, what is going on,
everybody is in, some people have been caught ,
The king calls the general, all that So you want to,
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The commander says, we do not know everything about this,
I was told by tenali ramakrishna, tenali ramakrishna says that I do not even know it,
but these people go to everything, they say, the king’s sword Are sold to,
so wanted to steal the king’s sword, now everything was known,
the king punished them, because he wanted to take the king’s sword,
but it was all due to tenali, if If they don’t know everything,
it’s not everything Happen,
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Tenali raman short stories english and english stories, tenali ramakrishna says, you are our king, we believe the king’s words, so the king should not be hurt, the king is happy to hear this, he pays attention to the king’s talk, tenali ramakrishna does everything good for the king. “Tenali raman short stories english“
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