Unique story of a donate (April, 2023)
Unique story of a donate 2023, Should we donate? Because I don’t think so. If we donate to him. After that what can it do with that money. This is what the man was thinking. He sees her. Because he was asking for donations. He says after thinking for a while. If I donate to you After that what can you do with it. He says. which you “donate” to me. I can give that to all the poor children in food.
Best Unique story of a donate (April, 2023)

After that they can get food. Hearing this he says rich man. I believe in you. That’s why I can {donate} to you. That rich man gives him charity. He goes away with the donation. After that the rich man starts thinking. I don’t know. What can he do with my donation? He wants to understand her mind. That’s why he sees. What can that man do with that donation? He follows her. But he stays away from her.
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After some time he sees the rich man. The man meets some poor children. gives them food. After that he goes to a hut. He lives in it. He doesn’t have a house. The rich man does not like seeing this. He understood now. This is very poor. That rich man thinks. His thinking is very good. He helps poor children.
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Unique story of a donate, That rich man goes to that hut. Because he wants to listen. what is he doing. The man was sitting in his hut. Maybe he was eating. Now the rich man had understood. He understood. It is not necessary. which is visible. That be a lie. Sometimes you have to listen to your inner voice. Maybe after that you can take a good decision. If you donate too. So that’s a great thing. Your small donation can be of use to someone. If you liked this Unique story of a donate. Please do share.
Story of the rich man and the monk :- Unique story of a donate 2023
This story is of a rich man. He was a very rich man. But he had a lot of money. He was also very greedy. Maybe that’s why he had a lot of money. Now he did not donate that money. He thought If he donates His wealth could have decreased. Its just matter of one day. He was coming home, He gets forest on the way. He rests for a while,
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Now he sees. His health had deteriorated. He had gone to the forest. Because he could not understand anything. Now he was feeling ill. What was up with that. He was no longer walking forward, He finds a monk. He comes to her, He says. what happened to you. That rich man wants to give a lot of money. After that says. This money is yours. Help me. Hearing this he says monk.
You don’t need to be afraid. That monk helps him. Now that rich man was cured. How did this happen? He didn’t understand. But that monk must have come to help him. Today even the money of that rich man was of no use. Today he understood. Sometimes even money does not help. Today that monk had saved him. He says monk. You look like a very rich man to me.
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Unique story of a donate 2023, That’s why you should give some money in charity. Whoever needs money. His needs can be met. That rich man understood. Now he had become a donor. If you help someone in life. So this is a very good thing. That’s why please help. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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